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them. Jim O' Connell will be working to pre-permit. Steve <br /> stated that this property is a bargain, and he would like to <br /> see the Town acquire it. It was mutually agreed to table this <br /> issue until a future meeting; members will talk discreetly to <br /> Town officials about the possibilities re: this property. Sid <br /> will talk to Judy Mills and Bob Whritenour. <br /> Wayne reported on the meeting with Mark Forest (Rep. Studd' s <br /> office) attended by Bob Whritenour and Sid re: Otis environmental <br /> clean-up. Some ideas were gained re: funding and timelines <br /> for same. <br /> Paul reported on the Employment Pool Survey he is presently <br /> developing. He plans to survey the 350 businesses in Mashpee <br /> to determine the employment needs in the area; this will be <br /> used as a marketing tool for future employers. Paul estimated <br /> it would cost approximately $150 to produce and mail ; he will <br /> do the data tabulation. He will enlist the help of Ken Cirillo <br /> who has offered. Paul will draft the questionnaire for the <br /> next meeting; the mailing would be done mid-January and completed <br /> by March. <br /> Steve continued the discussion re: committee goals by stating <br /> that EDC' s budget is part of this, and he told Bob Whritenour <br /> he would let him know by December 16th the amount EDC wants <br /> for next year. (Ted and Steve met with Bob W. ) . Steve wants <br /> to show . a list of projects on paper to Bob. Presently Wayne <br /> is working on an amount not to exceed $5 , 000. It was mutually <br /> agreed to increase Wayne ' s hours from 30 hours per month to <br /> 60 hours per month so the entire allocation will be used by <br /> June 30th if Wayne had the time to give. Wayne stated he had <br /> the time to give and more time in the summer. The Committee <br /> agreed to ask for $12 ,000 for next year' s budget. <br /> Sid asked the Committee whether EDC should send a list of our <br /> goals to the Selectmen asking them to prioritize them. Ted <br /> disagreed; he would prefer condensing what is important and <br /> then ask them for priorities. Steve would like to get something <br /> more concrete established and then discuss it with them. <br /> Sid renewed discussion re: ETA/EOA and inviting Kathy McCabe <br /> from the State to educate us. Ted stated that we should meet <br /> with her and show our interest. Sid stated that she would like <br /> an Assessor ' s representative at the meeting. It was agreed <br /> to have Sid contact Kathy and set up a meeting sometime in <br /> j January with EDC and Bob Writenour present. <br /> Sid stated that Sharon Koblinsky wrote a letter of interest <br /> in becoming a member of EDC to the Selectmen. There is another <br /> applicant who sent a resume also. Steve stated that we should <br /> continue to take resumes since the ad has been placed in the <br /> paper, but we should send a letter to Sharon Koblinsky <br /> -2- <br />