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1 <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 1994 <br /> Members Present: Sid Stern, Paul Reynolds, Ted Lewis, Steve <br /> Innis. <br /> Also present was Wayne Duchemin, E.D. Coordinator. <br /> The meeting was called to order at 6: 10 p.m. <br /> The Minutes of December 13 , 1994 were accepted. <br /> SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Paul had none. Steve stated that mailing labels from Jamie <br /> Regan' s office are forthcoming and will be used for mailing <br /> the "Guide. " Sid suggested cross-checking these labels with <br /> the original list. Steve stated that he plans to meet with <br /> Bob Whritenour to request budgeting $12 ,000 for EDC beginning <br /> July 1, 1995 (FY' 96 ) . He suggested that Wayne write a detailed <br /> explanation of his accomplishments. <br /> Wayne reported he can work until 5: 30 p.m. , and Bob Whritenour <br /> has approved it. Wayne stated he plans to do data entry after <br /> 4: 00 p.m. when there are less distractions. The press release <br /> is in the computer and is scheduled for release next week. <br /> Wayne plans to transfer his distribution list from his home <br /> to the Mashpee system; he plans to target the Boston newspapers. <br /> Sid expressed the importance of getting into the Cape Cod Times. <br /> Sid will follow up on his original contact with the Times. <br /> Paul suggested doing an outline of the successes Mashpee has <br /> had ( i.e. C-Map, CCS, etc. ) . Sid asked how will we know if <br /> they are being printed since we do not have a clipping service. <br /> Wayne stated that they are free and part of the strategy. <br /> Wayne reported that he initiated setting up a meeting re: the <br /> Industrial Park with Bob Whritenour, Jim Vaccaro, and himself <br /> as a result of the discussion at the last meeting; it will be . <br /> on Thursday, December 22 , 1994 at 3 : 30 p.m. (Jim Vaccaro is - <br /> the liaison for EDC. ) Wayne stated he has tried to reach Cathy <br /> McCabe to arrange a seminar re: EOA/ETA but has not connected <br /> with her yet. Wayne talked to Bob Whritenour re: a "tour" of <br /> Mashpee properties; transportation will be arranged. Wayne <br /> learned through his conversation with the building inspector <br /> that a Purchase and Sale Agreement has been completed on the <br /> Pilgrim Pride Nursing Home; Frontier Healthcare, Boston, is <br /> the interested buyer. Wayne called them to welcome them and <br /> offer help. Sid suggested Wayne talk to Bill Hauck (bui 8 <br /> inspector) re: the septage and contact the Board of Hea t <br /> Further inquiries via the building inspector include ck <br /> Curland who has a bid in to buy a C-2 property on Ech oad� Cf�� <br /> and Mr. Curland is also interested in talking about t 40 To Wf. 9 fa <br />