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y <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1995 <br /> Members Present: Sid Stern, Paul Reynolds, Steve Innis , <br /> Ted Lewis. <br /> Also present: Wayne Duchemin, E.D. Coordinator <br /> Tom Fudala, Town Planner <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7: 15 p.m. <br /> i <br /> The Minutes of January 10 , 1995 were accepted with the change <br /> to strike the sentence on p. 2 . "Wayne was advised . . do the <br /> undeveloped. " <br /> Sid noted there are three meetings scheduled in February for <br /> the 14th, 21st and the 28th; the Committee agreed to those dates. <br /> Mr. Joseph Cronin of CCS World in Mashpee was introduced. Mr. <br /> Cronin distributed a flyer about the Company and talked about <br /> the Internet. Mr. Cronin stated that the Mashpee "Guide to <br /> Business" could be put on Internet with tracking to who/where <br /> requests originate. Mr. Cronin noted Internet appeals to <br /> consumers as well as business, and the range is from Cataumet <br /> to Dennis. They plan to extend from Orleans to Provincetown <br /> soon. Sid expressed interest in having an article about CCS <br /> World' s location in Mashpee and the Internet in the Cape Cod <br /> Commission Reporter ( similar to the recent one re: Ptown and <br /> the Internet) , and he asked Mr. Cronin for a complimentary trial <br /> hook up to our computer. Mr. Cronin agreed and stated that he <br /> was planning to offer it anyway. EDC will be given their own <br /> E mailbox as part of the offer. Mr. Cronin offered anyone who <br /> wants to view World Wide Web is welcome to come down to his <br /> office, and with the appropriate software EDC could have access <br /> to this feature. Mr. Cronin stated that mailings could be done <br /> by entering an E Mail list. Mr. Cronin recommended acquiring <br /> the book "Whole Internet" as a resource; Sid recommended EDC <br /> acquire this and get educated on this. Sid stated he will call <br /> Dan Hamilton to do an article in the Cape Cod Commission <br /> Reporter. Mr. Cronin agreed to help with this article stating <br /> he is the technical person, and his associate Mr. Potter is <br /> the marketing genius. Mr. Cronin also offered training and <br /> help with the Internet. Wayne suggested the possibility of <br /> adding the name "Mashpee" to the CCS World flyer. Mr. Fudala <br /> asked Mr. Cronin if he could help the new high school development <br /> committee plan to receive Internet. Mr. Cronin stated the cable <br /> should be run through the walls during the building process <br /> (which was done in the new Yarmouth school ) , and that Innovative <br /> Networks in Hyannis handles this tyre of job. Steve will contact <br /> Peter Dinizio to make a link between CCS and the technology <br /> sub committee. EDC thanked Mr. Cronin for his generous offers. <br /> -1 - <br />