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-f <br /> Sid asked for a motion to vote on the new EDC member, and Ted <br /> made the motion. Sid reviewed the application packages of Sharon <br /> Koblinsky and Dan Waters . The committee stated that Sharon' s <br /> marketing background, project orientation, and interest in <br /> bringing businesses to Mashpee would be helpful to EDC. Sid <br /> expressed concern that she may be absent from four meetings <br /> since she goes out West to ski in the winter. Sid supported <br /> Dan Water being chosen with his transportation expertise. A <br /> motion was made, seconded, and unanimously voted to recommend <br /> the appointments of Sharon Koblinsky as member and Dan Waters <br /> as alternate member. A letter was dictated by Sid to go to <br /> Mr. Whritenour making these recommendations. <br /> Mr. Fudala stated that Sid suggested a change for #10 under <br /> Economic Development Policies of the L.C.P. After considerable <br /> discussion, it was mutually agreed by EDC to read as follows : <br /> 10 . To work with the Wampanoag community to improve local <br /> economic conditions and to support tribal-based economic <br /> development activities . <br /> Steve will call Chuck Green to open communication with the <br /> Wampanog community. It was noted that Jim Peters is the head <br /> of their economic contingent. <br /> Mr. Fudala distributed an L.P.P. handout entitled "Strategic <br /> Plan: Request for Proposals, " and he stated that Wayne has read <br /> and made suggestions to this RFP. The grant award will be used <br /> to hire an economic consultant. Mr. Fudala would like comments <br /> from EDC as soon as possible. Mr. Fudala will mention in this <br /> proposal that it was updated by Wayne. Sid asked if there is <br /> any conflict with the CCC, and Mr. Fudala stated it is non <br /> related. Wayne stated that the RFP is in good shape to go <br /> forward. A public hearing on this will need to be scheduled. <br /> A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously voted to accept <br /> this RFP under Wayne' s judgement who read it and made <br /> suggestions. <br /> Paul distributed the questionnaire/survey re: hiring practices <br /> and assessment of the employment pool in Mashpee, and also a <br /> copy of the results from a survey done in April 1993 by the <br /> Mashpee Chamber of Commerce. Paul stated that the results of <br /> the new survey can be part of Mr. Fudala ' s RFP. Sid stated <br /> the need to move on this survey since the Nursing Home will <br /> be needing employees very soon. Paul stated that the data base <br /> employment pool would be helpful. Ted suggested approaching <br /> the Nursing Home and asking what would help them (i .e. job fair) . <br /> Sid accompanied a "Walk-thru" the Nursing Home yesterday with <br /> the prospective owner and various town inspectors to help pave <br /> the way for approvals. Paul stated the survey will go out in <br /> four to six weeks ; Mr. Fudala stated this will be good timing <br /> -2- <br />