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RECEIVED 5 <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ao <br /> MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 1995 CLERK <br /> Members Present: Sid Stern (Chairperson), Steve Innis, Ed Lewis, Paul Re <br /> Sharon Koblinsky <br /> Also Present: Wayne Duchemin, EDC Coordinator <br /> i <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. <br /> Sid Stern opened the meeting by introducing Sharon Koblinsky as the newly appointed <br /> member of the EDC and welcomed her on board. <br /> Chairperson Stern offered the Minutes of the January 24, 1995 meeting of the EDC. Ed <br /> Lewis motioned for the Minutes to be accepted with no changes. Steve Innis seconded <br /> this motion. <br /> SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Paul Reynolds reported that they hope to have a workable database of the business <br /> property owners in the area within the next few days. Wayne Duchemin stated that an <br /> EDC questionnaire is to be sent out through the Assessors Office to all business <br /> property owners and is expected to be sent out the following week. Mr. Duchemin <br /> distributed a draft copy of the questionnaire to all committee members. It was noted <br /> that question #4 was inadvertently omitted from the draft version of the questionnaire. <br /> Mr. Duchemin will correct this omission and provide a revised copy to the EDC. Mr. <br /> Reynolds stated that the information contained within the database is dated and that <br /> the purpose of the questionnaire is to gather the necessary information to update the <br /> database. The efforts for this mailing are being coordinated with Dave Bailey and, to <br /> date, shared costs have not been discussed with Mr. Bailey. Mr. Duchemin explained <br /> that the database would be used as a tool for prospective new business inquiries. <br /> Chairperson Stern provided to the EDC an example of what the database would be <br /> capable of providing. Mr. Reynolds stated that there was no need for all EDC members <br /> to provide possible test scenarios for the database and that the Sub-Committee would <br /> take care of any necessary testing of the database. Mr. Reynolds also reported that an <br /> additional questionnaire will be sent to all business owners in the area in order to obtain <br /> their opinions regarding an evaluation of the labor force in the area. Mr. Reynolds <br /> stated that Mr. Bailey will be providing the Sub-Committee with a mailing list of those <br /> businesses. It was also suggested that the EDC send Mr. Bailey a letter of thanks after <br /> a couple of months for all his assistance in these matters. <br /> Ed Lewis reported that Steve Innis, Wayne Duchemin and he had met in order to <br /> identify the projects that the EDC wanted Mr. Duchemin to concentrate on between now <br /> and the end of the Fiscal Year, to include funds spent from the $7,500 budgeted <br /> amount and anticipated expenditures for the remainder of the Fiscal Year. Mr. Lewis <br /> stated that they had identified five major project areas as follows: <br /> 1. The Business Property Owner Database - prepare to market by June, <br /> 1995. <br /> 2. Outreach Contacts - i.e., inquiries from outside sources <br />