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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 1995 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 3. Labor Force Questionnaire - to include whatever services Mr. Duchemin <br /> can contribute that would utilize his abilities <br /> 4. Grant Pro'e s - i.e., the procurement of grants to be utilized by the'EDC <br /> 5. Initiative Marketing - marketing designed to actually solicit businesses into <br /> the area, to include Public Relations. Mr. Lewis added that this type of <br /> marketing may not be fully addressed this Fiscal Year, however, he feels <br /> that the EDC should at least begin this type of marketing in the area <br /> before the end of the present Fiscal Year <br /> Mr. Lewis continued with his report by stating that as of January, 1995, Mr. Duchemin's <br /> costs totaled $1,750, out of the $7,500 budget and that an additional cost of $700 per <br /> month would be accrued for the next five months until the Fiscal Year end on 6/30/95. <br /> Mr. Lewis also felt that Mr. Duchemin would need to attend all regular meetings, as well <br /> as all Sub-Committee meetings, in order for him to continue to be kept abreast of all <br /> EDC issues. Sharon Koblinsky inquired if the budget had been prepared yet for the <br /> next Fiscal Year. Mr. Innis stated that although the budget had not been fully prepared <br /> as of yet, the requested and anticipated amount was approximately $12,500. Ed Lewis <br /> concluded his report by stating that these were the Sub-Committee's recommendations <br /> and suggested that it be voted on at the next meeting. In the interim, Mr. Duchemin <br /> would put together a Work Program to distribute to all EDC members by the next <br /> meeting scheduled for February 28, 1995. <br /> Chairperson Stern stated that Bob Whritenour had expressed his desire for the EDC to <br /> get heavily involved in the L.P.P., which would fall into the category mentioned <br /> previously as "Grant Projects". <br /> Mr. Innis reported that in regards to the Internet project for the High School, he has <br /> spoken to Peter Dinizio who has hired a technical consultant and are preparing to wire <br /> the building. The EDC has been assigned a complimentary E-Mail address by CCS <br /> World. Chairperson Stern stated that he had arranged a meeting with the CCC & CCS <br /> World on Monday, February 6, 1995, who had also expressed their desire to get on the <br /> Internet. The CCC's Communication Director, Dan Hamilton, and Economic <br /> Development Officer, Jim O'Connell, attended. Mr. Joseph Cronin of CCS World <br /> offered to provide a "Pro Bono" connect to the Internet for the CCC for an initial start-up <br /> period. In return, the CCC agreed to provide "PR" and publicity for CCS World and its' <br /> Mashpee location, which was chosen for its' central position in the Upper Cape's <br /> population concentration and proximity to Barnstable, Bourne, Sandwich, and <br /> Falmouth. Mr. Reynolds stated that Internet could be used as a venue for Initiative <br /> Marketing. Chairperson Stern stated that Bob Whritenour had given his approval for a <br /> dedicated telephone line to be installed to our EDC computer, however, EDC will be <br /> required to pay for this line out of their budget. Mr. Innis advised we had sufficient <br /> funds and he will arrange for its installation with the phone company. <br /> CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT <br /> Chairperson Stern reported that Tom Fudala, Town Planner, had requested to speak <br /> before the EDC at 8:45 p.m. regarding the outcome of the L.C.P. public hearing of the <br /> Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Economic Development Element. <br />