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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> MAY 9, 1995 <br /> Members Present: Sid Stern, Steve Innnis , Sharon Koblinsky, <br /> Paul Reynolds . <br /> Also present: Wayne Duchemin, E. D. Coordinator <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7 : 12 p.m. <br /> The Minutes of May 3 , 1995 were distributed and will be voted <br /> on at the next meeting. <br /> Paul reported on the status of the Business Survey for the local <br /> labor pool data base. Paul stated that Mt. Auburn was awarded <br /> the contract (they were the low bidder) , and he plans to work <br /> with them in changing the approach of the survey. Mt. Auburn <br /> will evaluate our local labor force. The money for the <br /> survey needs to be spent by June 30th, and he will try to move <br /> ahead on this project with them. Sid asked about the results <br /> of the developed property survey that was sent out; Wayne stated <br /> there were only eight responses . It was noted that the <br /> instrument was too lengthy, and we were lucky to get any <br /> response. Paul stated he will do the pre--work ( i .e. contacting <br /> newspapers and business owners) . The plan is to send one survey <br /> to each of the business owners in Mashpee (approximately 225 <br /> surveys ) , and each committee member can take part of the list <br /> and follow up with a call . A mailing is -planned in six weeks . <br /> Steve suggested a presentation to the Chamber at their meeting <br /> Tuesday night. Paul noted that the information from the survey <br /> should tell us what kind of labor force exists in Mashpee, Mt. <br /> Auburn will tell us what type of business Mashpee should attract, <br /> and then use this information as a marketing tool . Paul will <br /> have a draft of the survey to pass out at the next meeting. <br /> Mt. Auburn will have the opportunity to make any changes before <br /> the mailing. Paul will handle the data tabulation and prepare <br /> a report. Phone calls will be made two weeks after the survey <br /> gets mailed out. Sharon will look into printing, folding, and <br /> stuffing of envelopes from local copy places . Paul will do <br /> the sealing and stamping of the envelopes. Sid asked about <br /> the mailing list, and Paul stated that it is an accumulation <br /> from the Chamber and Assessor ' s office. Sid will review this <br /> list. Steve noted that Mt. Auburn will dive us target industries <br /> with strategies for marketing. It was noted that Mt. Auburn <br /> will provide more focus and give us a more quantitative approach. <br /> Sharon encouraged attracting computer companies . Sharon <br /> volunteered to be a liaison on this team. Steve suggested <br /> getting away from the sub committee concept and calling it a <br /> team approach and delegating duties . Sharon asked for the RFP, <br /> and Sid will get a copy for her. <br />