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vs. what industry we can bring to Mashpee and employ Mashpee <br /> residents . Sid stated the money came from HUD, and he was not <br /> surprised. Paul noted that EDC' s survey has a different <br /> emphasis ; he thought Mt. Auburn was going to produce a plan <br /> showing what individual businesses might find attractive about <br /> Mashpee. Wayne stated that we have to meet HUD requirments <br /> and use this as a strategic element to the Economic Development <br /> Plan. Sharon felt that we would get platitudes for the $27 ,000 <br /> granted Mt. Auburn, and their real focus is on the <br /> unemployed/underemployed disadvantaged in Mashpee. She was <br /> disappointed since she would like to hear about what businesses <br /> we should attract to Mashpee to expand the tax base. It was <br /> stated that maybe this meeting was an introduction to Mt. Auburn <br /> that was designed to be general and seeking input, and that <br /> EDC is the largest voting group on the LPP. Paul stated that <br /> there is also an issue of zoning here. At this point it was <br /> decided to. invite Tom Fudala to the meeting to discuss what <br /> forum there is for meeting with Mt. Auburn. Mr. Fudala joined <br /> the meeting, and Paul asked about the procedure for contacting <br /> Mt. Auburn.. Mr. Fudala stated that a Local Partnership Committee <br /> was established with representatives from EDC, Wayne Duchemin, <br /> Bob Whritenour, Joanne Ferragamo, Jack Fitzsimmons, Jim Peters, <br /> and Tom Fudala is the contact person. Mt. Auburn has scheduled <br /> one meeting per month ( 6 total ) , and EDC could come and have <br /> input at these meetings. Sid stated that what the Local <br /> Partnership Committee and Mt. Auburn will end up with will be <br /> prepared by Mt. Auburn for the Local Comprehensive Plan. A <br /> concern was raised that EDC may have one agenda and the Planning <br /> Board another. Mr. Fudala stated that re: the comprehensive <br /> plan, Mt. Auburn will give input. Sharon asked why EDC is not <br /> doing the economic portion of the LCP; Mr. Fudala stated that <br /> it is designed so that the consultant gives the advice, and <br /> we incorporate it. Sharon stated that she volunteered to be <br /> a liaison to Mt. Auburn. She read the RFP and found out about <br /> the Local Partnership Committee,and she would be willing to <br /> be a representative on it. Paul stated that EDC wants to be <br /> part of the process . It was suggested that Wayne could accompany <br /> Mt. Auburn on their observations and report back to EDC. Paul <br /> stated that this is important information we can use. We want <br /> to put together an attractive partnership program and get some <br /> input; Paul raised a concern about 12-14 inactive Partnership <br /> members. Mr. Fudala suggested sending a letter to the Selectmen <br /> soliciting interest to have an EDC member on the Local <br /> Partnership Committee. Sid asked Wayne to draft a letter to <br /> that effect and send from EDC. Sharon offered to accompany <br /> Mt. Auburn on their contacts. Paul stated that Mt. Auburn <br /> developed a survey to be sent out which he would appreciate <br /> their sending later since it would conflict with EDC' s survey. <br /> It was noted that EDC is talking to businesses whereas Mt. Auburn <br /> is talking to people. Paul is concerned that we are going to <br /> over-survey the population, and there will be confusion between <br /> the two surveys especially when one appears in the paper. <br /> -2- <br /> i <br />