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posted. The market research could include a choice from <br /> categories such as management, retail , professional services , <br /> and labor, to be put into our database for employers . Paul <br /> has written a database for this, which is one of EDC' s goals. . <br /> It was also suggested making a Public Service announcement which <br /> is free. Paul noted there will be problems with maintenance, <br /> and it was suggested to network with Leisure Services for <br /> maintenance. Sharon suggested that employees use the Internet <br /> to manage their own resume; the library could provide the <br /> Internet access. Steve suggested senior citizen volunteers <br /> who would like to work on the computer, and he noted an article <br /> in Newsweek about the "Free Net, " a program that is being <br /> financed by the Commerce Department. Tom suggested using the <br /> Cape Cod Bulletin Board out of Falmouth. <br /> Paul thanked everyone for all their efforts this past year. <br /> He welcomed Tom Potts back to the Committee. Members should <br /> see Jane LaBute, Town Clerk, on their own time re: getting sworn <br /> in. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 8: 35 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Mar G Isthorpe, Board Secretary <br /> -3- <br />