Laserfiche WebLink
Tom postponed the Committee ' s focus and goals discussion until <br /> the August 8th meeting. He asked Committee members to come <br /> up with two ideas that could be implemented during the remaining <br /> 11 months . Wayne cited the Internet and Data Base as examples. <br /> Wayne asked the Committee to read the Work Program first so <br /> that could be the base. Tom noted other accomplishments that <br /> he witnessed the previous year: Guidebook, Welcome meeting, <br /> ED Coordinator position, new Computer, New Businesses to <br /> diversify the tax base. The EOA designation for the Industrial <br /> Park was another accomplishment for this year. <br /> Paul asked for help 'in following up the surveys . He is 15 short <br /> of the 70 mark goal , -and he asked each member to take three <br /> from his list and make follow up calls . The Committee agreed. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9: 10 p.m. <br /> Respectful/l}y submitted, <br /> l <br /> Mary Gelsthorpe, Board Secretary <br /> -4- <br />