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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> AUGUST 8, 1995 <br /> Members Present: Tom Potts , Sharon Koblinsky, Paul Reynolds, <br /> Ted Lewis. Steve Innis was absent. <br /> Also present: Wayne Duchemin, E.,D. Coordinator <br /> Greg Taylor, DPW Head <br /> Bill Przbylek, Police Chief <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7: 00 P.M. <br /> Greg Taylor and Bill Przbylek were present to discuss and give <br /> their input re: the installation of signs in Mashpee. Tom Potts <br /> explained that money has been encumbered for signs, and he is <br /> looking for direction to carry out this task. Mr. Taylor <br /> discouraged putting up five signs (as suggested) around the <br /> rotary as well as one at Rte. 130 and Great Neck Road. He noted <br /> that signs should be put 300 feet before the driver has to make <br /> a decision. Chief Przbylek stated he had communication with <br /> Jean from the Beautification Committee who expressed interest <br /> in having signs similar to the ones used in Europe which are <br /> aesthetically pleasing, and she would like to see a reduction <br /> in signs. His response to her (after making observations around <br /> town) was to eliminate signs that are not relevant, update signs <br /> that need it, consolidate where possible, and straighten the <br /> poles . He also stated he would be opposed to signs on the Rotary <br /> since it could increase the accident rate. Mr. Taylor commented <br /> that there should not be more than three locations on a sign, <br /> and Sharon commented that Centerville was the model wi the <br /> idea first originated. Dennisport signage was also cited- u � <br /> Mr. Taylor stated he did not want ladder signs such as those <br /> used by the above-mentioned Towns . Mr. Potts suggested making <br /> maps of Mashpee available at gas stations and/or tourist booths <br /> as an alternative. Chief Przbylek suggested a sign "Visitor <br /> Information Ahead" and have a booth set up to distribute info; <br /> a suggested location was behind the Antique Shop on the Rotary . <br /> Other suggestions were a "Current Events" signboard and "911" <br /> to promote the new service recently added to Mashpee. He thought <br /> having info booths at five or six locations around town would <br /> be a good Chamber Project since we are losing the info booth <br /> on the Rotary. Another suggestion was to add public announcement <br /> swing boards under the already existing Mashpee Welcome Signs <br /> ( i .e. Town Meeting Tonight, Vote Today, etc. ) Mr. Taylor <br /> suggested putting signs where people gather ( i .e. banks, grocery <br /> stores , etc. ) . Mr, m_at.='-c:}�� so identified the need for better <br /> signage for South Cape Beach, Mashpee/Wakeby Pond, and John' s <br /> Pond. After hearing all the input and having ' a lengthy <br /> discussion, it was agreed by EDC to look into other ways to <br /> carry out signage placement and to review these ideas with the <br /> Executive Secretary Bob Whritenour. <br />