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The next meeting of the Partnership will be September 26th. <br /> Devon stated she found the Eantus Report somewhat helpful but <br /> very general; it named five target industries but did not give <br /> strategies. Tom suggested attracting a satelite branch of a <br /> college, but it was noted this would not generate a taxbase. <br /> Sharon suggested doing something around the Wildlife Refuge <br /> and following through with the Indian Heritage project. Carl <br /> Sideman was cited as a person who can be called in to help on <br /> individual site issues. Paul asked if the data from the Business <br /> Survey will be helpful , and Beth thought it would. Tom informed <br /> her about the Employment Pool , and he asked Mt. Auburn to try <br /> to formalize this information. Wayne will send copies of the <br /> Pool to Mt. Auburn, noting that this is Mashpee trying a <br /> pro-active approach. Steve noted U. Mass Agriculture is thinking <br /> about pursuing. aquaculture; Tom suggested building aquariums <br /> for restaurant use. <br /> Mt. Auburn departed, and EDC thanked them for their Report. <br /> Wayne asked if we are on target with what we want , and it was <br /> noted that this is only a status report. . Sharon stated that <br /> re: the large high school population, maybe we should be looking <br /> to identify a problem area that goes beyond finding strategies. <br /> Tom suggested sending a letter asking what does a high school <br /> student do when he graduates? and asking Mt. Auburn to formulate <br /> a strategy. Tom Eudala stated we should focus on low income <br /> and how to increase employment. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9: 40 p.m. <br /> Wayne stated that a letter informing 250 Mashpee businesses <br /> about the Employment Pool will be sent soon; it was suggested <br /> to send a copy of this letter to the Employment Pool applicants <br /> also. Wayne also . stated that he may have an applicant match <br /> for a New Seabury job. He suggested waiting on printing <br /> application pads as previously discussed. Some suggestions <br /> made for future consideration were: Having an agency take over <br /> the- Pool database , selling the list to a business , adding an <br /> employment component to Mashpee town services . Paul suggested <br /> handing out a results flyer from the survey as a model for us <br /> to use, and we could call it "Market Trends . " <br /> Repectfully submitted, <br /> Mary CeZsthorpe, Board Secretary <br /> -4- <br /> i <br /> J <br />