Laserfiche WebLink
by Sharon what is the purpose of doing a Web Page, Wayne stated <br /> he would like to use the Web to brag about the database, and <br /> we need graphics to sell the Town. Some suggestions about how <br /> to proceed were: ( 1 ) add Mashpee information to the Chamber <br /> of Commerce Page, ( 2 ) have the Town do a Page of their own <br /> ( similar to Falmouth) , ( 3 ) EDC do the Page. Wayne stated we <br /> can look at Betsy as the marketer who puts in the Page and <br /> maintains it. Sharon stated she would not favor adding to the <br /> Chamber Page since it is associated with businesses and profit , <br /> but she would rather see Mashpee covered in a broader sense <br /> including the non-profit aspects, academic areas, etc . Betsy <br /> suggested Mashpee getting its own domain and then get a link <br /> to the Chamber and/or vice versa. This would also be an <br /> advantage to Mashpee if CCS ever goes under, since Mashpee could <br /> simply change their number and have their Pages transferred <br /> to a new Server. Sharon asked if the Town is already planning <br /> to have their own Page; Wayne did not know. <br /> Betsy then went over and got the System up and running. She <br /> displayed a Page in Lifenet where people can determine their <br /> status for getting a home mortgage loan from a bank by answering <br /> a few financial questions. She displayed Falmouth' s Page which <br /> tells about the Town ' s services and other information. Tom <br /> Potts was present for this part of the presentation, and he <br /> suggested making this a profit making venture for Mashpee and <br /> the businesses who are tied in with EDC, and with a cash flow <br /> there could be a full-time staff person. He cited Oaks Bluff <br /> as a Giber retail example whereby their Harbormaster is using <br /> the Internet for fishing, chartering, and marine supplies. <br /> Tom asked about the cost, and Betsy stated she charges $35 per <br /> page per month. She can make changes and updates so as to keep <br /> the information fresh, such as adding a calendar of events , <br /> welcome to Businesses , congratulations to Businesses , monthly <br /> Newsletters , etc. Tom suggested a flat rate for a Page that <br /> doesn' t change ( i .e. a Page about Willowbend) , and possibly <br /> get Willowbend to help pay for it. Betsy then displayed the <br /> Mashpee -Page done by the Chamber; she noted that she did this <br /> pro Bono and there is no link yet. She can download a file <br /> into the System easily. Betsy then brought up on the screen <br /> Cape Cod Info Center (which is a library of what' s happening <br /> on Cape Cod) . It was suggested that a segment on Education <br /> be done whereby students can use it to learn more about Indian <br /> heritage, and other topics. The Real Estate segment was <br /> displayed showing available houses for sale in Mashpee; it was <br /> noted that Jamie Regan receives a lot of responses from this. <br /> Wayne inquired whether our database can be linked to the Cape <br /> Cod Info Center, and she stated they can load and update our <br /> database. Wayne noted that they can E Mail the sources of the <br /> inquiries . Betsy noted that every Page load generates a <br /> statistic . Tom asked about caller ID. Betsy stated that you <br /> can trace by IP# which goes back to CCS. The Server keeps track <br /> of the statistics . They can track what Pages were found which <br /> -2- <br />