Laserfiche WebLink
would give EDC an idea about where the interest is ( i.e. <br /> inquiries re: the Industrial Park) . Betsy stated she pays CCS <br /> $20 a month for the service, and she pays CCS another fee to <br /> put a Page on it; she also does a lot of pro bono work ( i .e. <br /> Sandwich Heritage Plantation and Chamber) . She noted that <br /> Nebraska was the only one doing something with the Economic <br /> Development theme; Tom asked if this could be printed out so <br /> the Committee could review and see what the competition is doing. <br /> Sharon again asked why are we doing this and expressed the need <br /> to discuss what are we trying to gain. Tom stated that we are <br /> embracing the communication avenues to convey our message. <br /> Wayne stated that this is a form of marketing. Betsy suggested <br /> we could have a "Stay Tuned Bulletin Board. " Betsy noted before <br /> departing that she would be willing to work with the Committee <br /> and would not charge an exorbitant rate. <br /> Tom estimated that the service would cost about $500 a year <br /> which could be covered by EDC' s budget, and EDC could then <br /> encourage businesses to use the service. Another suggestion <br /> was to have Bob Whritenour determine the scope. and use of the <br /> Web and involvement by departments . It was suggested to send <br /> a letter to Bob stating that Mashpee should have a presence <br /> on the Web and have the various Town departments participate <br /> ( i .e. Education, etc. ) . Sharon noted that if we are doing this <br /> to attract businesses to Mashpee, there may be a different set <br /> of priorities . once the reason for having a Page is determined, <br /> that will dictate what goes on it. Tom suggested seeking input <br /> from outside businesses to see what information they want. <br /> Steve stated that we are trying to create a perception in <br /> Mashpee, and $500 for this experiment would be worth it. Sharon <br /> suggested a doing one Page to promote business . Ted suggested <br /> asking businesses after we give them our one Page what they <br /> would like to know further from us . A motion was- made and <br /> seconded that EDC is in agreement to work with Elizabeth Miller <br /> of MAXM Consulting, and EDC will work on the theme of promoting <br /> Mashpee and solicit feedback in a "our side, your side" format <br /> with the goal to increase Mashpee's exposure to the outside. <br /> Unanimous. It was suggested to invite Bob Whritenour to the <br /> next meeting or have Elizabeth Miller meet with Bob during the <br /> day. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Sharon announced that she will be attending a nationwide Economic <br /> Conference at CCCC. She also stated she received a call from <br /> Rick York, Shellfish Warden in Mashpee, who wanted to look at <br /> clams near her home. He informed her about a business <br /> opportunity for aquaculture with the 10 , 000 acres of State <br /> shellfish area in Mashpee. You can get a grant for 1 acre up <br /> to 10 , 000 acres at $25 per acre for shellfishing. She invited <br /> Rick to come to an EDC meeting to brainstorm this idea; all <br />