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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> OCTOBER 10, 1995 <br /> Members Present: Tom Potts, Ted Lewis , Steve Innis , <br /> Paul Reynolds ( Sharon Koblinsky was absent) . <br /> Also Present: Wayne Duchemin, E. D. Coordinator <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7 : 05 p.m. <br /> The Minutes of September 12 , 1995 were accepted. <br /> The next Economic Development Partnership meeting with Mt. Auburn <br /> will be held on October 24 , 1995. <br /> Tom distributed a draft letter to the Selectmen regarding three <br /> items: ( 1) Void the Pineapple sign project and put the <br /> encumbered monies back into the general fund; ( 2 ) Set aside <br /> $1, 000 per year for seasonal maintenance of Welcome Signs by <br /> DPW; ( 3 ) Invite Selectmen to the October 26th Welcome of New <br /> Business coffee meeting. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the maintenance of Mashpee ' s Welcome <br /> Signs . The $1, 000 amount would be used to pay for any materials <br /> and services needed (not any "police detail" ) . Mr. Potts noted <br /> that EDC will take responsibility for this maintenance (with <br /> funds kept in EDC' s budget) to be done on a perpetual basis . <br /> The Beautification Council can help by making the area look <br /> attractive. Mr. Potts noted there are five entrances to Mashpee <br /> which need to look presentable. Ted raised the question re : <br /> signs being added by businesses that could be problematic due <br /> to size, color, etc. Tom stated we should leave that up to <br /> the Selectmen to decide; there is no need for EDC to get <br /> involved. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously voted <br /> to recommend to the Selectmen the appropriation of $1,000 per <br /> year in the EDC budget for Town Welcome signs maintenance by <br /> the DPW. <br /> Mr. Potts stated that Jane Coogan of the Beautification Council <br /> is scheduled to attend EDC' s December 12 , 1995 meeting and <br /> discuss its role in making the area around Mashpee signs <br /> attractive. Mr. Potts asked EDC do we want to come up with <br /> a policy code (regarding signs ) or does EDC want to make a <br /> recommendation to the Selectmen to form a Committee. This would <br /> pertain to business signs only. Steve noted there are two <br /> different issues, Business signs and Town signs . Beautification <br /> Council would be involved in all signs except business signs . <br /> Paul approved that EDC take a lead role in forming a committee. <br /> Tom suggested that those involved should be the Building <br /> Inspector, EDC, Chamber of Commerce, Design Review Committee, <br /> Beautification Council, and citizens. Steve stated this is <br /> I <br />