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} <br /> an EDC issue and volunteered to spearhead this action. Steve <br /> suggested that we need to look at the present code and the 35 <br /> violations with Bill Hauck, the Building Inspector, and write <br /> a new draft of the signage code. Wayne stated that he wrote <br /> Bob Whritenour a Memo re: the signage issue, but no response <br /> has been received. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously <br /> voted to send a Memo to the Board of .Selectmen with the <br /> recommendation that EDC take the lead in setting up a disucssion <br /> meeting on business signs in Town with the following parties <br /> taking part: Building, inspector, Design Review Committee, <br /> Beautification Council, Business Community (i.e. Realtors) and <br /> concerned citizens. <br /> Tom noted that Rick York, Shellfish Warden, will give a <br /> presentation on aquaculture at EDC' s November 14 , 1995 meeting. <br /> Paul stated that he has been invited by the Chamber of Commerce <br /> to their November 14th meeting to give a presentation on the <br /> recent Business Survey findings. He stated EDC needs to pull <br /> out what is important and what EDC wants' to talk about to the <br /> Chamber and how it ties in with Mt. Auburn' s work. He estimated <br /> it would take EDC about two hours to accomplish this task. <br /> Tom suggested coordinating this with Sharon and putting this <br /> (Business Survey Discussion) on the November 14, 1995 agenda, <br /> after Rick York' s 45 minute presentation. Paul will postpone <br /> speaking to the Chamber until this task has been accomplished. <br /> .Wayne gave the Economic Coordinator' s Report stating that he <br /> met. with Bob Whritenour and Beth Miller (Maxim Consulting) <br /> regarding the Webb Page for Mashpee,. and we are going forward <br /> with it . Dave in the Assessor' s office will homogenize things , <br /> and a proposal will be put together with Beth. <br /> Wayne distributed a flyer re: the Entrepreneur ' s Forum on Monday, <br /> October 16 , 1995 , at 7 : 00 p.m. in the Great Room. This was <br /> coordinated by Mt. Auburn and is related to home-based businesses <br /> and micro-enterprises. This will be advertised in the Caere <br /> Cod Times , Mashpee Enterprise , and Mashpee Messenger. Tam <br /> suggested advertising in the Penny Saver. <br /> The Welcome to New Businesses meeting is scheduled for October <br /> 26 , 1995 at 9: 00 a.m. Wayne drafted an invitation letter and <br /> has a list of 56 people to invite. Wayne asked the Committee <br /> to submit 10 to 15 names of new businesses and addresses so <br /> that he can add them to this list. It was suggested to include <br /> the media, Selectmen and politicians. Wayne plans to demo the <br /> Employment Pool composite, and Tom suggested using "sample" <br /> names and addresses. There have been .no matches using the <br /> Employment Pool as yet. Wayne hopes to yet the refreshments <br /> pro bono from Stop and Shop and Steve Kyros of Honey Dew Donuts , <br /> but if unable he requested money from EDC' s budget. <br /> -2- <br />