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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 12, 1995 <br /> Members Present: Tom Potts, Steve Innis , Sharon Koblinsky, <br /> Paul Reynolds (Ted Lewis was absent) . <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7: 20 p.m. <br /> Tom Potts read the Economic Development Coordinator 's Report <br /> (per the attached) in Wayne' s absence. Sharon will attend the <br /> Industrial Park Pre-screening Meeting on Friday, December 15th <br /> along with the owner (Sun Storage) , John O' Brien, Bob Whritenour, <br /> and Wayne Duchemin; Sharon attended the first meeting re: <br /> pre-permitting and will be able to follow-up on what was said <br /> at that original meeting. <br /> Discussion occurred on the Mt. Auburn' s Strategic Plan rough <br /> draft which was sent to all the Partnership members. Tom <br /> expressed disappointment with the results and felt there should <br /> be more concrete recommendations. Steve suggested going back <br /> to the RFP and compare it with the rough draft to see what <br /> information we do not have. Tom asked Mary to follow up with <br /> Wayne and have him send a copy of the RFP to each EDC member. <br /> The EDC FY' 97 Budget discussion "was postponed until the next <br /> meeting. <br /> Regarding John Doherty' s request for input for the WWW Mashpee <br /> Home Page, Paul will work on developing a Webb page. <br /> The Minutes of November 11, 1995 were approved as presented. <br /> The meeting of November 28, 1995 was cancelled due to a lack <br /> of quorum. <br /> A discussion occurred regarding the closing of Augut, and some <br /> suggestions were made as follows: ( 1) offer Augut a tax <br /> incentive to stay in Mashpee; ( 2) Bob Whritenour could call <br /> the President and find out more information; ( 3) send Bob <br /> Whritenour, Jim Vaccaro, and Tom Potts up to Augut headquarters <br /> in Mansfield to discuss the situation with the officers and <br /> Board of Directors; ( 4) yet a lead from Augut' s PR person; ( 5) <br /> Tom Potts could contact Augut's financial analysts for more <br /> information. EDC was in favor of following up on these <br /> suggestions. <br /> Tom noted there is a balance .of $8, 467. 71 remaining in EDC' s <br /> budget as of 11/24/95. EDC discussed areas and items they would <br /> like to spend this money, i.e. ads, employment pool, and the <br /> aquaculture project that Rick York is working on. Tom would <br /> like to see a joint venture with the middle and high schools <br /> in shell fish farming. He suggested going before the Selectmen <br /> and asking for 10 acres to lease, and EDC could buy the nets <br />