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1 <br /> Steve Kyros favored using the New England Real Estate Journal <br /> to advertise the Town of Mashpee, Augat , EDC, Industrial Park, <br /> Field ' s Point, Deer Crossing, or any interchangeable selection. <br /> Steve recommended placing ads in the NE Real Estate Journal <br /> over Banker ' s Trade which is more financially focused . He also <br /> noted there would be free advertising for the Town of Mashpee. <br /> A 2 x 4 ad runs $95 , and a multiple of 5 would cost $250 . <br /> Paul suggested forming a sub committee under Marketing Sub <br /> Committee to work on a 4-page split ad and negotiate a package <br /> deal with the Journal . Paul will contact Sharon Koblinsky , <br /> Chairperson of the -Marketing Sub Committee, and Paul Reynolds <br /> and Steve Kyros will help Sharon on this project. EDC agreed <br /> on spending $500 for 10 ads every other week ( 20 weeks of <br /> coverage) , and anticipate getting free press coverage as a bonus <br /> when properties sell . A motion was made by Tom Potts to contact <br /> the New England .Real Estate Journal and spend up to $500 for <br /> ads. Seconded by Gloria Dube. Unanimous. <br /> Paul suggested EDC members attend network sessions similar to <br /> the one he attended two years ago to scout out potential buyers. <br /> Wayne presented the EDC budget balance of $2, 121. 83 as of June <br /> 4 , 1996 . Tom reported that Greg Taylor of DPW has not completed <br /> the sign maintenance, and $1 ,000 was alloted for this . Wayne <br /> suggested that a prograiii of regular sign maintenance be <br /> established. All that is needed now is 5 yards of mulch to <br /> spruce up the beds. Tom will contact Greg Taylor again. <br /> EDC agreed to allocate $186 to supply the Library with a current <br /> Cole ' s Directory, with the stipulation there be a tracking <br /> system, a notation that EDC is the benefactor, and only a one- <br /> year commitment to this expense. Tom Potts. made a motion to <br /> allocate $186 for acquis-ition of the Cole's Directory to be <br /> left with the Library with the contingency they track the useage., <br /> and future purchase will be, based on the tracking results. <br /> Wayne will design an insert to note EDC as the benefactor. <br /> Seconded. by Steve .Kyros. Unanimous. <br /> Wayne will talk to Bob Whritenour regarding the Mt. Auburn public <br /> presentation and "..proVlding_ the building and refreshments . <br /> The purchase of 1, 000 business cards for EDC members <br /> and Employment Pool pads-was recommended. Wayne will get <br /> printing cost estimates for the next meeting . <br /> Steve Kyros suggested having businesses in Mashpee "adopt a <br /> sign" ( i .e. Botello ' s ) . <br /> Paul Reynolds suggested purchasing Pagemaker ( $579 ) for next <br /> year. <br /> -2- <br />