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SUB COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Marketing:- Jack H. reported on his meeting with Media I <br /> regarding Broadband. There is a fiber backbone running as far <br /> as Marian with plans to extend over the bridge within 6 to 9 <br /> months. Bell Atlantic has an ISDN line to Plymouth, but this <br /> would be costly to connect to us. Mashpee will most likely <br /> be hooked up in 1999 . <br /> Tourism: Fred D. read a potential agenda for a B&B seminar <br /> in Mashpee to include insurance , legal issues , etc . Handouts <br /> would also be distributed at this seminar given by a Falmouth <br /> couple who run their own B&B. <br /> The cost for a four-hour Saturday seminar would be $55 per couple <br /> and $40 per single. A $500 minimum would be required. We would <br /> have to advertise and provide refreshments. <br /> Fred D. stated that B&B' s are growing as people are "cashing <br /> out" from their jobs. Wayne D. suggested EDC take a vote on <br /> this at the next meeting. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Fred D. gave the map to Linda Gallant and wants her to reproduce <br /> it; if not, he would like the Chamber to give us the money to <br /> do the project. <br /> There is no map posted on the kiosk. Wayne D. requested a glass <br /> closure for the kiosk. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Fred D. stated that Talanian of Dick and Ellie ' s is getting <br /> ready to go to the Cape Cod Commission. They plan to build <br /> an indoor Flea Market, and they want to install a set of traffic <br /> lights. This would put three sets of lights within a 1/2 mile <br /> area and cause traffic problems. <br /> Fred D. stated the Mashpee Commons owners are going to Town <br /> Meeting with a plan to build 800 units categorized as mixed <br /> use (commercial/residential ) . There is a petition circulating ' <br /> to have the Town buy the land from them and stop them from <br /> building. Fred D. suggested EDC come out with a statement. <br /> Wayne D. offered to craft a statement. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9 : 25 p.m. <br /> Mary G lsthorpe, Bo�dSecretary <br /> -3- <br />