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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> APRIL 23 , 1998 <br /> Fred DiMeco, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7 : 10 p.m. <br /> in Conference Room #2 at Mashpee Town Hall. <br /> Present: Fred DiMeco, Jack Hart, Stephen Kyros <br /> Also: Wayne Duchemin, Marty Harper , Don McCaffyn <br /> MINUTES: The Minutes of March 26 , 1998 were approved as <br /> presented. <br /> Wayne introduced Marty Harper , from the Cape Cod Chamber of <br /> Commerce (which recently separated from the Economic Development <br /> Council ) . His job is to help businesses start up and find <br /> financing for them. They received an RFP this week , a grant <br /> from license plate money. Marty is offering to help us get <br /> clarity on what the EDC might want. The goal cannot be targeted <br /> for Mashpee only; it has to have some regional impact. <br /> Marty explained the flow of money through the registry . There <br /> is approximately $35 ,000 per month split between the Chamber <br /> of Commerce and the Economic Development Council (approximately <br /> $15 ,000 each per month) . The pool contains $75 ,000 , and the <br /> best way is to have a competitive bid process . Marty wants <br /> to get involved in Mashpee, perhaps market the Industrial Park. <br /> Mashpee should get some of the money directly , and not have <br /> to compete for it. <br /> Wayne stated we should team up with other entities to increase <br /> our chances of being awarded the grant money. He suggested <br /> the Performing Arts Center. The Chamber and EDC could work <br /> together on this , and it impacts Mashpee and the Cape. It was <br /> suggested to call T.K. Thompson since a lot of analysis has <br /> been done. <br /> Jack stated he did a report for John O'Brien on enabling and <br /> innovative technologies to support economic development. He <br /> suggested initiating a regional information center. <br /> Fred suggested marketing the Mashpee Industrial Park. <br /> Steve suggested sponsoring a Trade Show EXPO. <br /> Another suggestion was to expand the Mentor Program. <br /> Someone suggested talking to George Benway , Mashpee ' s <br /> representative to the Assembly of Delegates , and Mary LeClair , <br /> a County Commissioner who lives in Mashpee. <br />