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Wayne will call T.K. Thompson, President of fund raising for <br /> the Boch Center. <br /> The due date for the 10-page proposal is May 28th. <br /> Wayne talked to the Chamber about joining with EDC in a joint <br /> venture. <br /> Don McCaffyn was introduced as the representative of the Talanian <br /> property ( Dick & Ellie ' s ) . They plan to erect an off-price <br /> discount mall containing 30-35 stores under 10 ,000 sf. <br /> He has met with several agencies and received input from several <br /> groups ( i .e. Wind Chimes , public neighborhood groups , etc. ) . <br /> The only off-price discount malls on the Cape are Tanger with <br /> four stores and Sagamore Mall with nine stores and no place <br /> to expand. <br /> Don stated that the average income on the Upper Cape is $43 ,000 , <br /> and there are 16 ,000 ,000 tourists who visit the Cape. <br /> Employment opportunities would be created in construction and <br /> retail . The mall would employ 600 employees. This would be <br /> a $20 ,000 ,000 project , and they would like to start the <br /> permitting -process next year: The structures would be one. to <br /> two story facades . There would be 35, stores ranging from 3 ,000 <br /> to 10 , 000 sf. The total will be approximately 160 ,000 sf (which <br /> is small compared to the average mall which is 250 ,000 sf ) . <br /> Don stated they completed their studies. The architectural * <br /> solid waste needs to be done. He needs to get the structure <br /> of the plan before we do the financial. The site plan has been <br /> completed and reviewed. , They need to re-pedestrianize and allow <br /> for a bikeway. They plan, 10 ,000 sf anchors in front on Rte.28. <br /> Fred expressed concern about too many traffic lights. <br /> There are issues yet to be resolved: <br /> ( 1 ) Route 28 <br /> ( 2 ) Nitrate loading, which is multi-jurisdictional <br /> The Massachusetts Highway Division wants a 4-lane highway. <br /> The Town wants a 2-lane highway,g� y, and Cape Cod Commission wants <br /> a 2-lane highway. <br /> There will have to be land acquisition for a 4-lane road and <br /> the lot will need to be ironed out. <br /> With regard to nitrate loading, DEP, CCC, the Water District, <br /> the Watershed Committee , etc. will be involved. We need to <br /> -2- <br />