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look into nitrate loading and talk to the water management <br /> committee and get a feel of the mood and requirements. <br /> Don would like to return to EDC and discuss the fiscal issues. <br /> Wayne stated he will provide PR for this project and will work <br /> with Don on this project. He needs. to generate the information <br /> for us to disseminate. <br /> Specialty food stores high on the list are Wild Harvest and <br /> Bread and Circus . <br /> Wayne thanked Don for coming and invited him to return to report <br /> future developments . <br /> Wayne presented the budget to date , a balance of $885 . 61 <br /> remaining until June 30 , 1998 , the end of the fiscal year. <br /> Wayne distributed the Guide for Business. He reviewed the <br /> brochure including the cover letter. He plans to do a mailincl <br /> to CEO' s in New Seabury ( 150 ) and Willowbend ( 40 ) , plus a list <br /> of inquiries from New England high tech companies . A cover <br /> letter will accompany the package. Wayne asked for temporary <br /> clerical help to collate the package for mailing. <br /> Motion made to hire an office management consultant for a maximum <br /> of 12 hours @ $11.51 per hour. Seconded. Unanimous. <br /> Fred asked about the commercial property map from the Town <br /> Planner' s office. Wayne stated it is forthcoming and noted <br /> there is very little available. <br /> Jack reported that he spoke with Butterworth about the map <br /> reduction. They licensed the map to the Chamber of Commerce. <br /> They want $1 ,500 for a yearly license. <br /> Jack suggested using the back of the Guide and improvise with <br /> fill-ins (using Desk-Top Publishing) . <br /> LuJeans has this in their computer. We could get the stat on <br /> the map and create a new text block. We could use some of the <br /> remaining money in the budget. Jack estimated the cost betweeen <br /> $350 and $500 . <br /> Motion made to put together a camL�_.ra-ready protection map. <br /> Seconded. Unanimous. <br /> Fred will buy stands for the pamphlets . <br /> Town Meeting is scheduled for May 5th and attendance by the <br /> EDC would be greatly appreciated. <br /> -3- <br />