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Their 1999 budget is $165 ,000 (with an additional $155 ,000 ) . <br /> He suggested advertising in "image"' magazines such as Kipiingers , <br /> Money , INC. , Fortune , etc. He further suggested using the <br /> Internet and rallying the Chamber of Commerce. <br /> Robert Fortini , Treasurer of the Plymouth Industrial Development <br /> Corp. , stated there are approximately 56 acres left in the Park. <br /> There are presently 62 companies in the Park that create 4 , 500 <br /> jobs. KAO is for sale at $345 ,000 . The Park is comprised of <br /> small to medium-sized companies , which makes it diversified. <br /> They have banking connections to obtain their own financing. <br /> They have no EOA or ETA tax incentive programs. They may apply <br /> for these funds for the Portage Park project. They are looking <br /> at waterfront property which they would like the Town to acquire. <br /> He suggested going the non-profit route. They had the advantage <br /> of the availability of hundreds of acres of land that was given <br /> to their Town. It was declared a "depressed- area" by the federal <br /> government, which ultimately lead to their success. PEWOD grants <br /> will provide the infrastructure. There are 1 ,100 available <br /> acres in Plymouth yet to be determined. <br /> Wayne D. asked Mike G. to send him a flow chart of his <br /> organizational structure. <br /> Wayne D. stated he will sit down with Tom .Fudala to determine <br /> the Town ' s position regarding rezoning , and he will ask for <br /> an inventory of available land. <br /> Fred D. asked if there is a need for space in the Industrial <br /> Park. The Mash-gee Industrial Park has 30 acres available at <br /> $135 ,000 a lot (acre) . There is a price impediment at $46 sq. <br /> Falmouth is not concerned about the price they receive for their <br /> lots since the land was given to them. Fred D. noted that <br /> Mashpee Commmons is selling to developers to develop; they will <br /> not sell to the Town. <br /> Marty Harper noted that home-based businesses attract a higher <br /> income base. <br /> Edward Santos , President, of the Plymouth Industrial Development <br /> Corp. , stated that the organization was formed in 1962 , and <br /> will dissolve in 2012 under 501-C3 . They sold shares for acres. <br /> The Towns could not own land at that time. They received a <br /> government grant to build a road in the Industrial Park. They <br /> do not answer to the Town but rather to. a Board of Directors <br /> that meet four times per year. <br /> 4 + <br /> Wayne D. thanked 'the guest speakers for the -information and <br /> recommendations they made , and he welcomed an on-going dialogue <br /> with them. <br /> -2- <br />