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more aggressive. Keys were put in the locks and broken off and they are now coming from the <br />other side of the gate across the wetland. <br /> <br />COMMUNICATIONS & CORRESPONDENCE: <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Fertilizer Bylaw and MDAR Plant Nutrient Regulations; Discussion of Bylaw Revisions to <br />Enhance Enforcement and to Include Phosphorus in Turf Fertilizers <br /> <br />The Chair distributed the draft by-law which includes phosphorus in turf fertilizer and adding <br />Natural Resources and Conservation to the enforcement. Mr. York reported these revisions may <br />involve negotiations with the unions and rewriting job descriptions Mr. Gottlieb reported he has <br />discussed this with the town manager and the town manager is favorably inclined barring any <br />objections from the union. He noted we can be more stringent than the state on phosphorous but <br />since we adopted it under the DCPC do we have the authority to amend it from time to time. Mr. <br />Gottlieb suggested submitting a revised bylaw for town meeting now to submit it for <br />consideration for a town meeting article. Deadline is February 16 for submission so we could <br />submit it now as a space holder. <br /> <br />Motion: Mr. Gottlieb moved to include in the annual town meeting warrant an article to <br />amend the bylaw to include phosphorous and to include Department of Natural Resources <br />and Conservation Department as enforcement officers, seconded by Mr. McKay. Vote 6-0 <br />unanimous <br /> <br />ACTION ITEMS UPDATE <br />Mashpee CWMP: <br />Estuary Restoration/Shellfish Propagation; Update <br />Rick York reported on the successful season. Five million quahog seeds were seeded with a <br />90% survival. They also seeded 2,480 oyster seed bags in the Mashpee River and 2,000 more in <br />Shoestring Bay. He noted next year they are on schedule for more oysters in the Mashpee River <br />and Shoestring Bay and up the quahogs to 15 million. <br />DRI Review; IMA’s with other towns: Update IMA <br />Planning for sewers; connections with private sewers: Update <br />Mr. Gottlieb stated there was no activity to report. He will be reconvening a meeting with the <br />group to work on the IMA. <br /> <br />Pond & Estuary Water Quality Monitoring: Update <br /> <br />Rick York reported that Santuit Pond is restored and they have the data to back it up. The whole <br />ecology of the pond has been restored. <br /> <br />Quashnet River Restoration/Realignment Project: Update <br /> <br />The Chair stated there was no update on the Quashnet River. They were not able to get a <br />meeting in January. <br /> <br /> 2 <br /> <br />