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MINUTES January 14 , 1993 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Greelish commented, "As things progress we would <br /> like Mr. Grossman and Mr. Pere to meet with the Board peri- <br /> odically. " <br /> Mr. Grossman and Mr. Pere agreed to meet with the Board. <br /> Mr. Evans informed Mr. Grossman of an illegal dumping <br /> area within the "Willowbend" complex, (off Quinaquisset <br /> Ave. ) . <br /> Mr. Grossman agreed to remove the illegally dumped mate- <br /> rials. <br /> APPOINTMENT: John Slavinsky -- Cherrystone's Restaurant <br /> Mr. Slavinsky was in attendance for this scheduled ap- <br /> pointment. <br /> i <br /> Mr. Slavinsky presented plans before Board members and <br /> relayed he is scheduled before the Conservation Commission <br /> next week. "A special permit was granted by the Zoning Board <br /> of Appeals. " "Public *water,will 'service the restaurant. " <br /> Mr.' McQuaid questioned the distance from the primary to <br /> the reserve. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated, "There is no distance requirement <br /> from the primary to the reserve. " "Twenty-five additional <br /> seats,, within-the lounge, area, are proposed. " "Seating for <br /> the restaurant will total 125. 1" "According to D.E.P. bar <br /> seats' are not included in the 'siz-ing of the grease trap. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid recommended Mr. Slavinsky base the grease <br /> trap on seating for 125 patrons. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky agreed to base the grease trap on seating <br /> for 125. <br /> Mr. Greelish requested Mr. Slavinsky. create the greatest <br /> possible distance between the primary and reserve. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated, 1141 •between the primary and sec- <br /> ondary system is the greatest distance that could be ob- <br /> tained. " <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to approve plans as presented with <br /> the stipulation the grease trap is based on seating for 125 <br /> patrons and plans delineate 4' between the primary and sec- <br /> ondary systems, Mr. Ball seconded, all agreed. <br /> i <br />