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EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> February 18 , 1993 <br /> contractor's fault and basically at that point I talked to <br /> Town Counsel to find out whether I would have to report what <br /> had transpired to date to the D.A. 's office or the police or <br /> whatever. " "He informed me that if I could get a confirma- <br /> tion from Elias then we could handle it internally otherwise, <br /> it would be an actionable offense. " "The problem was that <br /> Elias was on vacation." "Basically he said I had to make a <br /> good faith attempt- to contact 'Elias otherwise, I would be <br /> bound to move on to the D.A. 's office." "I did so, through <br /> Ronnie, trying to see if anybody knew how to contact you. " <br /> "It turned .out -we did not have that information and it wasn't <br /> going to be available. " III- talked to Elias Tuesday morning <br /> and he explained in fact that he had made. the arrangement <br /> with Joe, and that he had brought in a substantial amount of <br /> clay and was taking- out some fill in exchange. " "Joe had of- <br /> ` fered to produce a"report basically stating the amount of <br /> clay that he brought in and the amount of material he had <br /> brought out and some other detail in terms of where that ma- <br /> terial was used and so on. " "We still need that for the <br /> record. " "At this point, from my perspective, I have to es- <br /> sentially get into the record that we have discussed it and <br /> handled it, that I consider it to be no more than an over- <br /> sight although it ,could have been fairly serious. " "No one <br /> apparently other than myself and some other town officials <br /> were aware of the gravity of the problem or the real point <br /> that had an incident in the past which sort of turned the <br /> town inside out at the time. " "The last thing we needed to <br /> have was someone to intercept or report through some other <br /> avenue that fill was being taken from the landfill on an un- <br /> authorized basis. " "What we have to do, at this point, is <br /> basically sit down with everybody and Joe and go over it that <br /> we can't remove any fill out of there." "We will talk to <br /> Town Counsel about the possibility of creating some legal ar- <br /> rangement. " "The only problem would be that it would require <br /> an accounting system for fill being brought in and out and <br /> that's probably going to get kind of cumbersome because you <br /> would need some sort of legal definition of weight or yardage <br /> that could be verified. " "I understand your intent, that you <br /> were essentially, being cooperative with Joe who has in the <br /> past always given us far more than he has taken. " "He has <br /> been very generous in programs and materials and so on. " "I <br /> felt very bad to worry or doubt there is a problem. " "I <br /> guess we can lay it to rest at this point. " <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I would like to add that this Board <br /> set a policy whereby anything that comes out of the Transfer <br /> Station/Landfill should come in front of the Board for review <br /> for our approval or knowledge of this. " "This whole situa- <br /> tion was blown out of proportion because of our lack of <br />