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i <br /> Executive Session minutes 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> February 18 , 1993 <br /> i <br /> Mr. Greelish stated, "Last Tuesday, by some remarkable <br /> coincidence both Mr. Ball and I came across one of the S.J. <br /> DiMaggio trucks with a load of sand in it heading out to a <br /> commercial site coming out of the landfill . " "My concern <br /> reaches back a number of years probably some fifteen, seven- <br /> teen years when a previous contractor at our landfill was in- <br /> dited for essentially stealing fill out of our landfill plus <br /> a few other things in terms of misappropriations, so I became <br /> somewhat sensitive. " "The other thing was that I have been <br /> questioning the amount of fill moving off of the wall there <br /> and its use." "At the time I had talked with the crew who <br /> indicated no, in fact, it was all being used for the land- <br /> fill. " "So that is what heightened by inquisitiveness or <br /> search into the situation. " "I attempted to follow the truck <br /> but lost it." "I then returned to the landfill, took a look <br /> at the septage lagoons to see how they were doing. " "I then <br /> went down into the pit to see where fill had been taken. " <br /> "Basically, since it had snowed, a light snow the day before, <br /> and virtually there was no movement in the pit or around on <br /> top. '" "It was fairly evident where a truck had been filled <br /> from a loader that was in place. " "I then went up on top and <br /> around the piles, and so on, to try and determine if any fill <br /> had been put up there. " "At that point, I concluded that the <br /> fill that I saw had to come out of the pit. " "I then went <br /> back home and contacted Joe" "Shortly after that Steve <br /> called me. " "Steve called me that he had a concern that he <br /> wanted to talk to me about. " "He came over, it turns out <br /> that he had also seen the truck. " "Joe had called back and <br /> indicated that he had brought clay into the landfill and was <br /> taking the sand out in trade and that this agreement had been <br /> preapproved by Elias. " "I essentially said, at that point, <br /> that I couldn't check it because Elias wasn't there but we <br /> had to stop, in other words you can't take any more fill out <br /> and that I thought there was a very serious problem here no <br /> matter what had transpired." "Steve and I then went down to <br /> the construction site that was being filled and took a look." <br /> "On our way back out we met the truck, which Joe had not been <br /> able to intercept at the tim_ e. " "I, flashed him and he pulled- <br /> over and ultimately, they ieturned to the , landfill. " ; Ne' <br /> went back to the landfill, ' Steven and I, to take a closer <br /> look at the pit, to try and gauge where recent fills had come <br /> out and compare it with the fill we "had seen on site and just <br /> get a handle on things. " "At that point the problem was that . <br /> there was a problem and that if Elias had no knowledge of <br /> this we had a serious problem of material being removed from <br /> Town property." "I don't know what 'the charge would be but <br /> there would be a real problem. " "If Elias had indeed made <br /> the agreement, then we still had a problem in that it was <br /> probably not right but it wasn't particularly the <br /> i <br /> i <br />