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MINUTES February 25, 1993 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Peter Watts - Cape Cod Poultry Farm (unscheduled) <br /> Mr. Peter Watts was in attendance to discuss his pro- <br /> posal for composting at the landfill area. <br /> Mr. Watts relayed, "Last week we talked about screening <br /> of the composting material at the landfill and I have come up <br /> with a price of $7.00 per yard. " "The material will be <br /> screened and deposited into one or more piles. " <br /> Mr. Greelish requested Mr. Watts to provide the Board <br /> with a written proposal. <br /> 7. ) Cont'd from earlier - Variance re uest 6 Overlook <br /> Knoll Mr. McQuaid informed Board members this is a volun- <br /> tary upgrade. <br /> Mr. Greelish commented, "As the area in which the up- <br /> grade is proposed is an environmentally sensitive area I <br /> would recommend the owner sign the affidavit which prohibits <br /> an increase in habitable space. " <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a 50' local variance from <br /> the proposed on-site leaching facility to abutting well , (#10 <br /> Overlook Knoll) and a 4' State sideline variance as requested <br /> with the stipulation the Water District verifies abutters de- <br /> lineated on plans as receiving public water and the owner <br /> sign the affidavit which prohibits an increase in habitable <br /> space, Mr. Greelish seconded, all agreed. <br /> 8. ) Perc (and septic permit) extension requ_est,__9_ High Sa- <br /> chem ad - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The lot was perked in 1982 <br /> and February 13 , 1992. " "The septic permit was issued March <br /> 2, 1993 . " <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a 6 month perk extension <br /> from date of expiration, Mr. Greelish seconded, all agreed. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to deny the request for a septic <br /> permit extension, Mr. Greelish seconded, all agreed. <br /> F.Y.I. , Barnstable County Health & Human Services mtg. 3/8/93 <br /> Acknowledged. <br />