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04/08/1993 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
04/08/1993 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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i <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> April 8 , 1993 <br /> Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. <br /> Members present: Stephen J. Greelish, Steven R. Ball and <br /> John T. Doherty <br /> THE TAPE IS NOT PART OF THE MEETING, IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br /> TRANSCRIPTION ONLY. <br /> Mr. Stephen J. Greelish, Chairman <br /> 1. ) Warrants signed <br /> 2. ) Mr. Greelish stated, "I have a few corrections to be <br /> made to the minutes of April 1, 1993 . " "The third page, <br /> paragraph three should read the $129 ,000 .00 study. " "The <br /> next paragraph which contains the following "The Finance Com- <br /> mittee would like to utilize a portion of the $100,000.00 for <br /> the Otis Plan, in terms of possible engineering and or reim- <br /> bursement to the government" , should be removed as the Fi- <br /> nance Committee cannot use that money. " "What I stated was <br /> the Finance Committee has asked to set aside the $100,000.00 <br /> study for fiscal year 1994. " "The next sentence which reads, <br /> "We would probably be stretching it to use it other than re- <br /> imbursement to the Federal Government for the work they are <br /> doing now" , refers to it as the septage treatment plant. " <br /> "What I would like to add to the end of the paragraph is, <br /> "This Board did vote for a consensus on that item. " "This <br /> Board agreed to set aside the $100,000 .00 study for fiscal <br /> year 1994 . " <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "We did not vote on that. " <br /> Mr. Greelish stated, "We discussed it but did not vote <br /> on it. " <br /> Mr. 'McQuaid stated, "The day after last Thursday's meet- <br /> ing, 8: 35 a.m. , I received a call from Diane Rommelmyer want- <br /> ing some clarification as to what the Board had voted upon. " <br /> "I recommended she contact Mr. Greelish. " "Ms. Rommelmyer <br /> stated she was at the meeting and Steve was discussing what <br /> the Board had discussed, she then requested I clarify it. " <br /> "I responded, I - can say that we ,discussed with Weston & <br /> Sampson the two articles from 1991 Town Meeting but no vote <br /> was taken. " "In speaking with Mr. Greelish he said there was <br /> a vote taken however, we were unable to verify that as the <br />
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