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MINUTES April 8 , 1993 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> the secretary was still working on the minutes. " "The <br /> secretary's recollection was similar to mine that indeed <br /> there was no vote taken. " <br /> Mr. Greelish agreed that no formal vote was taken. "I <br /> believe I asked both members at the time whether they agreed <br /> to that at the time. " "I didn't believe we needed a formal <br /> vote. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid explained, "The Town Accountant's point was <br /> that if we were not going to use the $100,000.00 article that <br /> in order to rescind it she would need the minutes stating a <br /> formal vote. " <br /> Mr. Greelish stated, "What must be done is to enter an <br /> article to rescind it and we, as a Board, must do that. " Mr. <br /> Greelish questioned Mr. Doherty and Mr. Ball as to whether <br /> that was what was agreed upon at the meeting. " <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "We did agree not to touch the money. " <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "We did agree we would not touch the <br /> money however, I spoke with the Town Accountant and ques- <br /> tioned her as to what was going on. " "She mentioned submit- <br /> ting an article and getting some money back. " "At that time <br /> I requested she explain the funding mechanism. . " "I am con- <br /> cerned with the possibility that we may incur bills during <br /> the upcoming fiscal year for work completed. " <br /> Mr. Greelish stated, "We raised that money for a <br /> follow-on of our pilot treatment -plant. " "We are not going <br /> ` to do ' that. 'we are on line with Otis and it is extremely <br /> likely that is the way we will' go. " "The Military will have <br /> a bill for us somewhere along the line and we will have some <br /> bills. " "Personally I would like to see the economic devel- <br /> opment entity - formed and have them1pay for the whale thing <br /> which I believe a real possibility so there would be no more <br /> money required from us. " "The problem would be someone elses <br /> at that point. " "We are not going to use the $100,000 . 00 for <br /> the intended purpose and I would not support using it for a <br /> slightly different purpose even though legally we would have <br /> the right to do that. " "That would be wrong. " <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to approve the minutes of April 1 , <br /> 1993 as amended, Mr. Ball seconded, all agreed. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to prepare an article for the 1993 An <br /> nual Town Meeting rescinding the $100,000.00 which was ap- <br /> propriated, Article 8, at the 1991 Annual Town Meeting <br />