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MINUTES May 13 , 1993 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> ility to abutting well, (#26 Pequot Road) . " "I would recom- <br /> mend approval with the stipulation the owner sign the affida- <br /> vit which states they will tie-in to public water once avail- <br /> able. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant the variances stated by Mr. <br /> McQuaid with the stipulation the owner sign the affidavit <br /> which states they will tie-in to public water once available, <br /> Mr. Doherty seconded. <br /> 25 UNCLE HENRY'S ROAD - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Due to high <br /> groundwater a modified 3' deep pit is proposed. " "The. engi- <br /> neer will excavate -to 4' +however, the bottom foot of the pit. - <br /> will be filled with sand. ", "Due to the shape' of the lot and <br /> one existing abutting well the idea to install flow <br /> diffuser's or galley's was abandoned. " "Three bedrooms are <br /> proposed. " "The 3' x 7' pit, will allow for 355 gallons per <br /> day leaching capacity, 330 is required. " "i am aware 'that <br /> the Chairman is concerned with the density of the Popponesset <br /> area. " ' <br /> Mr. Ball expressed his concern with the size of the pit. <br /> Mr. McQuaid recommended eliminating the jog in the foun- <br /> dation, creating a slab area in the northernmost corner of <br /> the proposed dwelling, relocating the reserve further north <br /> and towards the dwelling thereby, creating enough room to in- <br /> stall a bull-run -valve. <br /> Mr. Doherty recommended installing the slab and reserve <br /> at the same time. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the installation of a 3' x <br /> 7' pit and a 35' local variance, (approximately) , from abut- <br /> ting well, (#22 Uncle Henry's Road) , to the on-site proposed <br /> leaching facility with the stipulation the owner eliminate <br /> the proposed jog in the foundation, eliminate the full foun- <br /> dation in the northernmost corner of the proposed dwelling, <br /> relocate the reserve further north and install a bull--run <br /> valve, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 9. ) Emergency failure certification 275 Route 28 and 81 <br /> Harwich Road <br /> 275 ROUTE 28 - Mr. McQuaid relayed "I inspected the system <br /> and found the pit full. " "The owner is not serviced by town <br /> water. " "A new pit must be installed. " <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the ` "Emer- <br /> gency Repair Certification" form. <br />