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MINUTES June 10 , 1993 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the "Emer- <br /> gency Repair Certification" form. <br /> At this time, (7: 37 p.m. ) Mr. Ball motioned to enter into Ex- <br /> ecutive Session, Mr. Greelish seconded, all agreed. <br /> The regular meeting reconvened at 8 : 02 p.m. <br /> Copy of letter from Town Counsel to Planning Board re: "Flat <br /> Pond" <br /> Board members agreed this matter does not require Ex- <br /> ecutive Session. <br /> Mr. Heather Atwood, Environmental Consultant, and Mr. <br /> Michael Grotske, representing New Seabury Corporation, were <br /> in attendance to discuss the installation of monitoring wells <br /> down gradient of the proposed "Flat Pond" subdivision. <br /> Ms. Atwood presented plans delineating proposed monitor- <br /> ing well sites and relayed, "We have been retained to do an <br /> environmental impact study of the effects the proposed subdi- <br /> vision may have on Fiat Pond. " "We have some preliminary <br /> results from the surface water shed area and a groundwater <br /> recharge area. " "From that information we would like to in- <br /> stall a few additional wells to comply with the water quality <br /> report requirements. " "We had planned for all our data to be <br /> in by the 16th and presented at that time. " "The wells that <br /> were installed were to delineate the recharge area not so <br /> much as down-gradient to evaluate septic system impacts. " <br /> "What we are proposing as a surface water shed, (indicated in <br /> purple) , is about 100' around the mucky soils. " "We in- <br /> stalled 1" p.v.c. pezometers both shallow and deep around the <br /> perimeter of the pond. " "We also took water table measure- <br /> ments, did a groundwater contour map and found the groundwa- <br /> ter is flowing through the pond out to the sound. " "Pre- <br /> liminary results indicate the groundwater recharge area only <br /> extends 200' to 250' up-gradient of Flat Pond. " "The average <br /> depth of the pond is only 3 feet." "Our research' indicates <br /> tidal fluctuations are making a big impact on the pond. " <br /> "The data results show the salinity in the bottom of the pond <br /> and some tributaries is very high and brackish at depths. " <br /> "We also found up to . 2/10ths to . 3 /10ths of a foot' tidal <br /> fluctuations in both pezometers groundwaters and the level of <br /> the pond. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned Ms. Atwood as to what method was <br /> used to outline the original recharge zone. <br />