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' 'P1 <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> July 15, 1993 <br /> 1 . ) Warrants signed <br /> 2 . ) Continued until later in the meeting. <br /> 3 . ) Willowbend treatment plant approval , D.E.P. - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "The previous developer did receive a dis- <br /> charge permit from D.E.P. . " "There are modifications to the <br /> treatment plant that are proposed by the current owner which <br /> includes tertiary treatment and denitrification. " "They have <br /> received preliminary approval of the revised treatment plant <br /> plans. " "They are required to apply for a groundwater dis- . <br /> charge permit from the local Board of Health prior to con- <br /> struction. " "This plant is environmentally more sensitive <br /> than originally proposed. " <br /> Mr. Greelish questioned Mr. McQuaid as to whether a full <br /> set of plans will be submitted. <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "Yes. " <br /> Mr. Greelish recommended this Board request the owner of <br /> Willowbend submit to a voluntary review of plans by the town <br /> engineer. <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> Mr. Doherty directed Mr. McQuaid to forward a letter to <br /> the owner of Willowbend requesting he voluntarily submit <br /> plans for review by the town engineer. <br /> 4. ) Pond Task Force minutes & meeting announcement 6 3 93 <br /> and Pond Study Addendum - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Due to the <br /> minutes of the last Ashumet/Johns Pond task force meeting <br /> held at the base indicating the concerns of the task force, <br /> as far as, the depth of the analysis of the fish in par- <br /> ticular, it was agreed that Oak Ridge was not the most fea- <br /> sible place to have the analysis interpreted. " "It was sug- <br /> gested that the University of California would be the better <br /> place. " "Recommendations are going to be presented to Dan <br /> Santos. " "Their will be a public hearing scheduled at the <br /> Mashpee Middle School on August 5, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. . " "One' <br /> of the topics will be the task force -and status of Johns and <br /> Ashumet Pond study. " "Monthly meetings with Mr. Dan Santos <br /> and this Board will begin subsequent to the August 5, 1993 <br /> meeting. " <br /> Mr. Greelish stated, "Oak Ridge referred some of the <br /> pathology to U.C.L.A. who then forwarded the results back to <br />