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MINUTES -July 15, 1.993 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Oak Ridge. " "Oak Ridge took parts of the results out and <br /> sent them back as the initial report." "There is further <br /> analysis which they will want to test for which was not re- <br /> quested originally. " "Most of the meeting was taken up with <br /> attempts to clarify or quantify the original statements.,, <br /> "The original minutes tended to be verbatim and the overall <br /> impression that was left was a much greater level of alarm <br /> than was there. " "Most of the scientific basis of the re- <br /> sults was not discussed which was very significant. " <br /> APPOINTMENT: Selectperson Judy Mills - John's Pond <br /> Selectperson Judy Mills and Selectperson George Costa <br /> were in attendance to discuss the status of John's Pond <br /> Ms. Mills requested Board members provide the Selectmen <br /> with a copy of the addendum to the John's Pond report which <br /> was submitted in February. "There seems to be individuals <br /> who are disputing the findings contained in the report. " <br /> "The Board of Selectmen is recommending a panel discussion <br /> with members of the Board of Health and critics of the report <br /> to come to a better understanding of the pond issues. " <br /> Mr. Greelish commented, "Basically all of this work and <br /> the oversight is by a group from A.P.C.C. . " "The information <br /> stated in press releases are discussions which took place at <br /> the A.P.C.C. meetings. " "A lot of the hyperbole that has oc- <br /> curred shouldn't be considered to be their opinions." <br /> Mr. Doherty recommended the Board of Selectmen attend <br /> the August 5th meeting. <br /> Mr. Greelish stated, "John's pond is not maybe safe but <br /> in my opinion unquestionably safe. " "Even given that the two <br /> plumes that are potentially impacting on the pond, even if <br /> they were to go into the pond, one of them I would site the <br /> level of pollution in it is within the accepted drinking wa- <br /> ter standards. " "That does not absolve the military from <br /> having to track it and potentially even mediate it." "it is <br /> identified and being tracked and is felt that it is impacting <br /> Ashumet River Valley more. " <br /> Mr. Costa commented,- "The public should be reassured of. <br /> the status of the pond. " <br /> Mr. Greelish reiterated his earlier comments stating, <br /> "From our research and what we've done' the pond is 'safe and <br /> the fish are safe. " "We will try and deliver the highest <br /> quality information that we can. " <br />