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a y_ <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> October 7, 1993 <br /> Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Members present: John T. Doherty, Steven R. Ball and Stephen <br /> J. Greelish <br /> THE TAPE IS NOT PART OF THE MEETING IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br /> TRANSCRIPTION ONLY. <br /> Mr. John T. Doherty, Chairman <br /> 1 . ) Warrants signed. <br /> 2 . ) Mr. Ball motioned to accept the minutes of July 8, 1993 , <br /> Mr. Doherty seconded, Mr. Greelish abstained. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to accept the minutes of September 16, <br /> 1993 , Mr. Greelish seconded, all agreed. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to accept the minutes of September 30 , <br /> 1993 , Mr. Greelish seconded, all agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Edward Pesce - I .R.P. Briefing <br /> Mr. Pesce was in attendance for this scheduled appoint- <br /> ment. <br /> Mr. Pesce presented a installation restoration program <br /> update which is attached to the end of these minutes, as well <br /> as, plans which detail the contaminated plumes emanating from <br /> the M.M.R. . Mr. Pesce relayed, "The next Task Force meeting <br /> will be held Thursday, @ 4:00 p.m. . " "There is a con- <br /> taminated plume, (J. Braydon Thompson plume) , ahead of the <br /> plume emanating from the pipeline area off Route 130 which <br /> should also be of concern. " "There are two remediation ef- <br /> forts for this area. " "We have begun a time critical removal <br /> action and we are about to start a pump test in <br /> mid-November. " "The purpose of the pump test is to gain some <br /> information about the aquifer properties so that we can per- <br /> form an adequate design on a full scale remediation system. " <br /> ,,it will be a single well with some monitoring wells around <br /> it. " "In light of that the remedial design is underway and <br /> our model estimated approximately 70,000 gallons of fuel that <br /> is on top of the water table. " "We decided that when you <br /> change some of the parameters in the models it changes the <br /> design, the amount of fuel or the parameters we need to use <br /> for design enough that we felt we should gain additional <br /> data. " "We found this by installing some groundwater moni- <br />