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MINUTES November 4, 1993 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "I do not think it was properly <br /> maintained. " "Our pumping records do not indicate periodic <br /> pumping of the tank nor of the grease trap. " <br /> Mr. Greelish directed an agent to visit the site and de- <br /> termine the exact nature of the failure. <br /> 7. ) Revised septic plans - 88 Shore Drive - Mr. McQuaid <br /> relayed, "Revised plans were submitted which now indicate the <br /> bordering vegetated wetlands are located in excess of 100' <br /> from the proposed leaching facility. " "The Conservation Com- <br /> mission Agent did confirm the error. " "The area previously <br /> delineated as the bordering vegetated wetlands was the area <br /> where the owner had done some illegal cutting within lob' of <br /> the marsh. " <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> t , <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> David Sharpe re: Illegal dumping, Ashumet Road <br /> Mr. Sharpe stated,--- "Approximately 1 1/2 months ago I <br /> presented one of the health agents with a piece of paper I <br /> found in one of the trash bags which was illegally dumped in <br /> the woods off Ashumet Road. " "The health agent said he could <br /> not use the item as evidence because it must be found or wit- <br /> nessed being found by a member of this department. " "Two <br /> weeks ago I revisited the site and found more illegally <br /> dumped material. " "It appeared a women from Forestdale had <br /> her kitchen remodelled and everything from her kitchen was <br /> dumped there. " "I know it was this women because her name <br /> and address were on a label on one of the cabinet boxes. " "I <br /> was up there today and someone had dumped 1/2 dozen Anderson <br /> casement boxes. " "I went back there this afternoon and there <br /> was a vehicle leaving the site however, I was unable to get <br /> his license plate number. " "This vehicle had disposed of <br /> four individual crank-out windows. '" <br /> Mr. Doherty informed Mr. Sharpe, "The only resources we <br /> have available are the D.P.W. . " <br /> Mr. Sharpe questioned Board members as to whether a po- <br /> lice vehicle could cruise the area. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "We could request a patrol car to <br /> cruise the area however, that is up to the Police Dept. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I did drop by the address which was <br /> listed on one of the cartons however, no one was home so I <br /> left my card. " "The next day I received a call from Chuck <br /> and Donna Pond who own the residence. " "Ms. Shay, Ms. Ponds <br />