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MINUTES December 9 , 1993 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the "Emer- <br /> gency Repair Certification" form. <br /> 47 ORCHARD ROAD - Mr. McQuaid relayed, ; "I inspected the site <br /> and found sewage flooding the basement. " "I authorized im- <br /> mediate repair. " <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the "Emer- <br /> gency Repair Certification" form. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Down Cape Engineering - 21 Taffrail <br /> Mr. McDonald, owner, and Mr. Arnie Ojala, P.E. were in <br /> attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I did research the original reasons <br /> why the Board had decided to clarify the section of Title V <br /> regarding the 4' of naturally occurring permeable soil . " <br /> "The adoption of that regulation was to protect the sole <br /> source aquifer and to protect the environment. " "Since the <br /> technology does exist and can be approved to construct a sys- <br /> tem with zero discharge I am going to motion to deny the re- <br /> - quest for variances. " "The dwelling can be constructed with <br /> a zero discharge system with either a tight tank system or <br /> total evaporative system as was demonstrated by the people at <br /> Clivus. " "I am of the opinion the proximity of the lot to <br /> the coast just doesn't warrant a variance in this case. " "If <br /> you were in a situation where you would be denied the oppor- <br /> tunity to build the house I may have looked favorably upon <br /> the requested relief, but since a no discharge system can be <br /> approved the house could be constructed. " "I would recommend <br /> your engineer review this option and advise you accordingly. " <br /> Mr. McDonald questioned the Board as to whether tight <br /> tanks have been approved in Mashpee. <br /> Mr. Doherty responded, "No, not as of yet. " "It is a <br /> provable method. " "D.E.P. will approve this method, but only <br /> as a last resort. " <br /> Mr. Greelish commented, "I would vote favorably for a <br /> zero discharge system providing the appropriate safeguards <br /> are put in place. " <br /> Mr. Ojala questioned Mr. Doherty as to whether he would <br /> withdraw his motion and continue this hearing until next <br /> weeks meeting. <br /> i <br /> Mr. Doherty withdrew his motion for denial . <br />