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MINUTES January 20 , 1994 7 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Slavinsky responded, "Absolutely. " <br /> I <br /> Mr. Doherty recommended placing the system 1/2" below <br /> the soil , drill a hole in the side of it and put the pipe in <br /> half way down or wherever it is needed to get the flow. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky agreed. <br /> Mr. McQuaid recommended relocation of the pit to the re- <br /> serve area. <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to approve the septic repair as dis- <br /> cussed pending Mr. McQuaid's review and approval of revised <br /> plans, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> ********** <br /> APPOINTMENT: Dino Mitrokostas - Smoking Policy <br /> Mr. Mitrokostas was in attendance for this scheduled ap- <br /> pointment. <br /> Discussion took place regarding changes to the "Smoking <br /> Regulation" . The final draft will be prepared for next weeks <br /> meeting. <br /> *****OLD BUSINESS***** <br /> Signs re: "Consumer Information" <br /> Mr. Greelish motioned to adopt an amendment to the Food <br /> Service Establishment requirements, (which is attached to the <br /> end of these minutes) , Mr. Ball seconded, all agreed. <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> Landfill Fence <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. DiMaggio has expressed his <br /> concern with a portion of the Asher's Heights development. " <br /> "There is an approved road within the development which abuts <br /> the rear end of the landfill in close proximity to the pit, <br /> (approx. 180' drop) . " "In the special permit it was agreed a <br /> 50' buffer zone would be left between the edge of their prop- <br /> erty and any construction. " "The concern is if families of <br /> children move into those homes there are no fences on the <br /> rear side of the landfill . " <br /> I <br />