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MINUTES January 27 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> letter to hookup to water. " "It became knowledgeable that I <br /> had never hooked-up to water of which I admit I never hooked <br /> up to water at 4 Tritown Circle. " "It was the same time <br /> there was a lot of information in the newspaper about a num- <br /> ber of houses in Briarwood that also have never hooked up to <br /> water. " "At that time the health department was coming out <br /> with a program to get Water District to abate some of the in- <br /> stallation charges and have free installation for the plumb- <br /> ing and service connection in. " "When I received notice to <br /> hookup to water I again spoke with this Board and people and <br /> questioned why can't Tritown be included with Briarwood be- <br /> cause there were 4 or 5 people in those two streets that had <br /> not hooked up to water. " "I got back the comment, yes we <br /> will go to the Water District and try to get the same thing <br /> from the Water District and we'll try and do the same thing. " <br /> "I talked to the secretary of the Board of Health and asked <br /> her how Briarwood went about getting their free installation <br /> and she said that there was an individual who would be hook- <br /> ing up the service connection and somebody else would be do- <br /> ing the plumbing and I would like to get involved in that, <br /> it's the same basic thing. " "The fact that the Board of <br /> Health is going through the Water Commission to get the same <br /> thing that happened to Briarwood. " "It may be miscommunica- <br /> tion but I implied I would like to get the same thing. " <br /> "That's when I found out it was the secretary's boyfriend who <br /> was doing the hookup and I said have him do mine. " "At that <br /> time I then spent $1000.00 out of my own money, gave it to <br /> the Water District which was 100% of the fee, not a reduction <br /> in the fee like Briarwood and hoping that when the Board of <br /> Health went to the Water District Commission that they would <br /> okay waving the $500.00 and I would get $500.00 back. " ""I <br /> was hoping that that was going to happen. " "As it turned out <br /> I stepped down at the Water District Commission meeting and <br /> the other two Commissioner's denied all of Tritown and Horse- <br /> shoe Bend from getting a waiver. " "That time I already had <br /> spend all the money, gave $1000 .00 to the Water District to <br /> hookup, had the person come in and put the pipe into the <br /> house and I thought the secretary's boyfriend was going to <br /> hookup the water. " "It would be a misunderstanding. " "Time <br /> went on and I sent my maintenance man over there and he was <br /> always denied entrance into the house which seemed a little <br /> strange. " "We tried to find out about the tenant because the <br /> tenant had not paid their rent and they were going to be <br /> leaving. " "They kept denying entrance into the house. " ""I <br /> learned through the newspaper the reason he was being denied <br /> entrance. " "The police finally arrested him for robbery of a <br /> store in Falmouth. " "I also found out his son also had war- <br /> rants out and they were not letting people into the house. " <br /> "It then came to my attention that the house was not <br /> hooked-up to water" "They called me one day and said there <br /> was a leak. " "I sent someone over who said Richard they're <br /> not hooked-up to water. " "The next day I called another <br />