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MINUTES January 27, 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> plumber and had him go over there, as soon as possible, <br /> within a day or two and hook them up to water. " "I had all <br /> the intent to hookup when I was told. " "The plumber is the <br /> cheapest of the things to be done. " "I should have probably <br /> double-checked, sometimes when I think someone is doing some- <br /> thing I think it's done and I couldn't gain access to the <br /> house. " "The tenant has since left. " "I have no idea where <br /> he has gone. " <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned how this Board discovered, after <br /> issuing the order, that Mr. Halpern was still not hooked-up. <br /> Mr. Evans responded, "I am not sure how that came <br /> about. " <br /> Mr. Halpern stated, "What happened is that the tenant <br /> did not pay his electric bill and they shut his electricity <br /> off. " "I had no knowledge of this and I would not have any <br /> knowledge of this. " "I heard they were getting water from a <br /> neighbor. " "As soon as I found this out and as soon as you <br /> ordered me to hookup I immediately hooked-up. " "I immedi- <br /> ately contacted the Water Department and had them put a meter <br /> on the hydrant, paid an extra fee because I had to pay a <br /> whole years fee for a hydrant and ran the hose right into the <br /> house. " "When they told me it was hooked-up I called the Wa- <br /> ter Department and said they're hooked up disconnect the <br /> hose- " <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. Halpern, "What was the date that <br /> you had a conservation with the secretary?" <br /> Mr. Halpern responded, "I am very poor on dates but it <br /> was some time in October. " "I had the house hooked up the <br /> very next day to the hydrant. " <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "At issue here is our letter to you <br /> dated October 15th notifying you that your 48 hours to tie <br /> the dwelling into the public water supply. " <br /> Mr. Halpern stated, "I did through the hydrant. " "I <br /> thought it was hooked-up so therefore I disconnected the hy- <br /> drant connection. " <br /> Mr. Greelish stated, "I would like to clarify the <br /> record. " "Prior to the point with which we informed you that <br /> you were in violation we did go through a couple of months of <br /> trying to work with your Board to see if there was any way in <br /> which you and others could be reimbursed. " "This letter is <br /> after that entire process. " "Your payment to the Water Dis- <br /> trict is also after that entire process. " <br />