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MINUTES February 17 , 1994 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> approval of Phase I under the conditions set-out in that ap- <br /> proval and not to divert from that until the necessary stud- <br /> ies have been accomplished. " <br /> Board members agreed with Mr. McQuaid's recommendation. <br /> 4. ) Draft letter to Barnstable re: Se to a volumes - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "I received a call from Mr. Robert Bergman, <br /> the newly appointed town engineer for Barnstable, who became <br /> aware of the agreement we had with the town of Barnstable to <br /> accept our septage." "He requested we produce two sets of <br /> septage volumes - average and peak - to use in forecasting <br /> what amount of space they need to set aside for the town of <br /> Sandwich for the time being and for up to twenty years from <br /> now, should we decide this is a feasible option rather than <br /> the one we are working on with the town of Sandwich. " "I had <br /> Weston & Sampson draft the letter and will forward it upon <br /> this Board's approval . " <br /> Mr. Greelish commented, "There is a potential scenario <br /> that in their next round up upgrades to their plant that they <br /> may accommodate us and sign a long term agreement." "The <br /> problem is that in order to make that economically viable for <br /> the town we would have to find a way to accommodate Sandwich <br /> also because of our co-agreement." "Their is also the prob- <br /> lem with their compliance with D.E.P. , (odor control) ." <br /> "These are issues we will be discussing at the next meeting. " <br /> Board members directed Mr. McQuaid to forward the letter <br /> as prepared by Weston & Sampson. <br /> 6. ) Copy of sample letter from I .R.P. to moratorium <br /> residents - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I did forward the letter <br /> to Mr. Douglas Karson, Public Affairs Specialist, as directed <br /> by this Board." "It is their intention to sample the wells <br /> on March 7 , 1994 . " <br /> Mr. Greelish questioned Mr. McQuaid as to whether he <br /> spoke with Mr. Carson subsequent to the last meeting. <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "No. " <br /> Mr. Greelish directed Mr. McQuaid to contact Mr. Karson <br /> and inform him of this Board's opinion regarding v.o.c. test- <br /> ing. " <br /> 7 . ) 1993 Report of the Board of Health - Mr. McQuaid pre- <br /> sented a draft report to Board members. <br /> Mr. Greelish agreed to review the draft report and make <br /> any necessary changes. <br />