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TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> March 10, 1994 <br /> I <br /> Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Members present: Steven R. Ball and Stephen J. Greelish <br /> THE TAPE IS NOT PART OF THE MEETING IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br /> TRANSCRIPTION ONLY. <br /> Mr. Steven R. Bali, Acting Chairman <br /> 1. ) Warrants signed. <br /> 2. Mr, <br /> Greelish motioned to accept the minutes of February <br /> 24, 1994, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 1 3. ) C00y of proRosed A.T.M. Articles - Mr. Ball commented, <br /> 1 "I am trying to arrange a meeting with the Water District <br /> which may reduce the amount we are requesting for public wa- <br /> ter connections in the High Sachem Estates subdivision. ,' <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 4. ) Memo from Town Clerk e: Stic er sales - Mr. Greelish <br /> relayed, "I would like to see stickers go on sale 30 days <br /> prior to the due date. " Mr. Greelish directed Mr. McQuaid to <br /> forward a memo to the Town Clerk with a copy to the Selectmen <br /> requesting stickers go on sale June 1 , 1994 . <br /> 5. ) CQpy_ of pond test results - Mr. McQuaid relayed, <br /> "Stetson Hall recommended testing the ponds for v.o.c. 's dur- <br /> ing the winter. " "We drilled through six to eight inches of <br /> ice and took v.o.c. samples. " "The idea was if there were <br /> any v.o.c. 's in the water itself they would be locked in un- <br /> der the ice. " <br /> Mr. Greelish informed Mr. McQuaid of an area at John's <br /> Pond where there is a major active spring. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I will take a v.o.c. test in that <br /> spring next week. "I would recommend we release the results <br /> to the news media. " <br /> Board members agreed to release the v.o.c. pond test re- <br /> sults to the news media. <br /> 6. ) Variance requests - 7 Yachtsman Circle 88 Sh rewood <br /> Drive and 7 Chickadee Road <br />