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9 <br /> MINUTES March 10, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 7 YACHTSMAN CIRCLE - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This is a <br /> preapproved subdivision with well and septic layouts. " "The <br /> owner is requesting a 8' local variance from the on-site well <br /> to the abutting leaching facility, (lot 34) . " <br /> Mr. Greelish motioned to grant an 8' local variance from <br /> the on-site well to the abutting leaching facility, (lot 34) <br /> I with the stipulation the owner agree to sign the affidavit <br /> which states they must tie-into public water once available, <br /> Mr. Bali seconded. <br /> 88 SHOREWOOD DRIVE - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Public water is <br /> now available in the area. " "Revised plans have been submit- <br /> ted which now indicate public water will service the dwelling <br /> however, variances are still necessitated from abutting wells <br /> which have not, as of yet, tied-in. " <br /> Mr. Greelish motioned to grant a 12' local variance from <br /> abutting well, (#14 Shorewood Drive) , to the proposed on-site <br /> leaching facility and a 211 local variance from abutting <br /> well, (#22 Shorewood Drive) , to the proposed on-site leaching <br /> facility, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 7 CHICKADEE ROAD Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. John Jacobi, <br /> P.E. , representing Uppercape Engineering and Survey Company, <br /> is requesting a 1' variance from both State and local regula- <br /> tions which requires 4' feet of naturally occurring permeable <br /> soil between the bottom of the leaching facility and ground- <br /> water." <br /> Mr. Greelish motioned to deny the request for a variance <br /> based on C.M.R. 310, section 15.02 and local regulations, Mr. <br /> Ball seconded. <br /> 7. ) Sqbdivision plan Pec O c r o - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "The Planning Board is awaiting our comment <br /> on this proposed subdivision. " "Town water is not <br /> available. " <br /> Mr. Greelish motioned to approve preliminary plans with <br /> the stipulation once public water is made available to the <br /> subdivision all owners tie-in, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 8. ) Letter fro rosy e: Stratford Ponds - Mr. McQuaid <br /> relayed, "When Stratford Ponds was originally being developed <br /> they proposed a sewerage treatment plant to service the whole <br /> complex. " "Sales were down at the time so their solution to <br /> the septic problem was to bypass the actual treatment plant <br /> process and use the holding tanks pump stations and leaching <br /> fields in some cases until enough units were sold to operate <br /> the treatment facility. " "This Board, the Planning Board <br /> and D.E.P. approved the interim system up until they reached <br />