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4 <br /> i <br /> Paste 2 . <br /> r Mr. Doherty stated that he did not see anything to be gained <br /> by spending up to $10,000 in taxpayers money to proceed <br /> with criminal action against Mr. Halpern to impose a $1000 <br /> fine for failing to connect his Tri-Town property to public <br /> water in a timely fashion as stipulated in the Board of <br /> Health Order. Mr. Doherty suggested a thirty day period be <br /> given to Mr. Halpern to clean up the exterior of the River- <br /> bend and his other rental properties following which an in- <br /> spection will be made by our agents. Pending their satisfac- <br /> tory report, this issue will then be closed. Mr. Doherty <br /> motioned the above suggestion. Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> Appointment: Michael Grotz e - 199 Daniels Island Road. Mr. <br /> McQuaid pointed out that the distance from the leaching fa- <br /> cility to the top of the coastal bank is only 63 feet and <br /> that our regulation calls for 150 feet and the distance to <br /> MHW is only 92' and our regulation calls for 1001 . Mr. <br /> Grotzke indicated he has lowered the pit considerably to <br /> prevent break-out. The Board indicated that the distance to <br /> break-out is acceptable. The Board recommended Mr. Grotzke <br /> relocate the pit to the property line to maintain 100' to <br /> MHW and the Board would approve the sideline variance to the <br /> road. The Agent will review the revised plans and approve <br /> with the sideline variance if acceptable. <br /> A o'nt ent• Dino Mi rok stas - Smoking Regulation. George <br /> Heufelder (and guests Tonya Miller and Peggy Chase) is pres- <br /> ent representing the Falmouth Board of Health. Mr. Heufelder <br /> talked about the grant which the County has received in the <br /> amount of $270,000. He further elaborated on the process the <br /> Falmouth Board of Health went through in adopting their <br /> smoking regulation. Their emphasis on restaurants was to <br /> consider them workplaces. Their document calls for an "end- <br /> date" of April 1, 1995. This document was agreed upon by the <br /> restaurant owners on the condition the Falmouth Board of <br /> Health attempt to convince surrounding Boards of Health to <br /> adopt similar "end-date" regulations. <br /> Mr. McQuaid asked Mr. Heufelder about the proposed county- <br /> wide generic regulation. The indication was that the model <br /> regulation would be drafted within 3-4 months. This regula- <br /> tion would also include an end-date of April 1 , 1994 by <br /> which workplaces would be smoke--free. <br /> Ms. Miller and Ms. Chase presented their backgrounds as <br /> health educators and offered their assistance. <br /> Mr. McQuaid indicated that our proposed regulation has prog- <br /> ressed this far and that it may or may not be wise to hold <br /> off on adopting it. If and when a county-wide regulation is <br /> drafted we could always amend ours to comply with it. <br /> Mr. Evans stated that in his opinion a regulation should be <br /> tailored to a particular community's need. He further <br />