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MINUTES March 31 , 1994 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Evans stated, "At the Board's request a regulation <br /> has been developed regarding smoking in public places within <br /> the town. " "I met with the Chamber of Commerce specifically, <br /> the restaurant owners which resulted in the draft smoking <br /> regulation presented this evening." "This regulation was in- <br /> tended to separate nonsmokers from smokers. " <br /> Mr. Mitrokostas stated, "There was a good turnout of <br /> restaurant owners at the meeting. " "We were grateful, as <br /> restaurant owners, to have a say in the matter. " "We made <br /> recommendations which accommodate both restaurant owners and <br /> patrons. " <br /> Discussion took place regarding a possible amendment to <br /> the draft regulation which would include a smoking ban in all <br /> restaurants by 1995. Mr. Doherty was favorable to the 1995 <br /> ban, Mr. Ball was opposed at this time. <br /> Mr. Contos commented, "We may have to start looking at <br /> questions of legal liability if such standards are not <br /> adopted. " "I begin to assume that if smoke-free is the com- <br /> munity standard for prevention of smoking related illnesses <br /> and the community does not adhere to that type of standard, <br /> because it has chosen not to, there may be a liability ques- <br /> tion. " "The County is working toward uniform adoption of a <br /> smoke-free regulation which would go from Wareham to <br /> Provincetown to Nantucket." "This may be a potent argument <br /> for the Board's reconsideration of the current regulations. " <br /> Mr. Evans explained, "Our proposal is to enforce these <br /> regulations once passed by hearing complaints and <br /> responding. " "We are not going to tap someone on the shoul- <br /> der and tell them to put the cigarette out. " "In my opinion, <br /> that is not the way to approach it. " <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "In terms of Community, State or Na- <br /> tional standards, when it exists we will obviously adopt it. " <br /> "This is a start for us. " "I can envision many changes." <br /> Mr. Mitrokostas stated, "We have talked about giving it <br /> six months and seeing how it goes. " "If we have a lot of <br /> complaints then obviously it must be fine tuned. " "Basically <br /> we are taking the self-governing approach and seeing how it <br /> goes. " "We do have the luxury of being a smaller town so we <br /> have a good control on it. " <br /> Mr. Waterbury commented, "We would strongly encourage <br /> the Board to insert the 1995 ban. " "I think everyone is com- <br /> fortable with the fact that this is coming down the line in a <br /> progressive way. " "I think the Board's first step is fine, <br /> as long as, one can see that a year from now the next step is <br /> coming. " <br />