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04/07/1994 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
04/07/1994 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES April 7, 1994 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> FOR DISCUSSION: <br /> Lakeside Trailer Park- Ms. Letha Sprout, Mr. Frank Sylvia <br /> and Mr. Ben Aldridge, trailer park residents were in atten- <br /> dance for discussion. <br /> Mr. McQuaid submitted previous minutes, water tests and <br /> all communication from D.E.P. in regards to their water sup- <br /> ply system as requested by Board members and relayed, "A copy <br /> of Mr. Aldridge's letter was forwarded to Mr. Haney and <br /> D.E.P. . " "I also informed Mr. Haney this Board was reviewing <br /> the issue and would be contacting him in the near future. " <br /> "D.E.P. did approve the use of their private well for a pe- <br /> riod of five years. " "Water testing requirements by D.E.P. <br /> did not call for the testing of iron. " "We do have proof <br /> their is high iron at the tap at Lakeside Trailer Park. " <br /> "They exceed the M.C.L. 's however, iron is not considered a <br /> health hazard it is more of a staining and odor problem. " <br /> "Mr. Aldridge is preparing a petition to the Board of Health <br /> which requests the Board to apply a little more pressure on <br /> the D.E.P. to speed up the hookup time from five years down <br /> to two years based on the iron content on the water. " "Mr. <br /> Aldridge did bring in his water filter which is covered with <br /> iron residue. " <br /> Mr. Aldridge stated, "The filter is supposed to last <br /> three months, this filter is the result of one month's use. " <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "Iron is not considered a health <br /> threat so you are not going to see anything happen tomorrow <br /> or next week however, I completely agree with you. " "It is <br /> not one of those things that gives us the authority to order <br /> water hookup." "We do recognize it as a problem and is ex- <br /> cessive within the trailer park. " "This Board does have an <br /> agreement with the park owner and I believe he has not lived <br /> up to his half of the agreement. " "This Board will pursue <br /> action on this and other fronts as well. " "Mr. Haney is re- <br /> quired to submit a plan on how he is going to handle all the <br /> septic systems and how he is eventually going to tie into the <br /> public water system. " "This was required a year ago. " "Un- <br /> fortunately, this did slip by us however, we will be acting <br /> on this now. " <br /> Mr. Aldridge relayed, "The Association members did for- <br /> ward a letter to Mr. Haney via certified mail which was re- <br /> turned unopened. " "I am also concerned with the issue that <br /> there is no emergency contact person. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "When I learned of the lack of 24 <br /> hour management on duty I contacted the Police and Fire De- <br /> partments to find out if they had an emergency contact person <br /> for the trailer park available 24 hours a day. " "They do <br />
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