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MINUTES April 7 ,' 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Town water is in the process of <br /> being supplied to the subdivision this spring. " "If that is <br /> the case then Mr. Jacobi may be able to relocate the leaching <br /> facility on the higher portion of the lot assuming all abut- <br /> ters tie-in. " <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "This Board does not look favor- <br /> ably upon granting variances from the regulation which re- <br /> quires 4 ' of permeable naturally occurring permeable soil be- <br /> tween the bottom of the leaching facility and groundwater. " <br /> Mr. Doherty explained, "This Board would sign-off on a <br /> building permit once 4' of naturally occurring permeable soil <br /> can be found on a higher portion of the lot and all abutters, <br /> as well as, Mr. Stashenko tie into public water. " <br /> Mr. Jacobi withdrew the request for a variance. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to accept Mr. Jacobi's withdrawal, Mr. <br /> Doherty seconded. <br /> 5. ) Continued from earlier in the evening - Variances re- <br /> quests - 47 BayberryDrive and 31 re Drive <br /> 47 BAYBERRY DRIVE - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This is a <br /> preapproved subdivision. " "The owner is requesting a 21' <br /> local variance from the proposed on-site well to the abutting <br /> leaching facility, (lot 129 Bayberry Circle) , and 21' local <br /> variance from the proposed on-site well to the abutting <br /> leaching facility, (lot 131 Bayberry Circle) , a 47' local <br /> variance from the proposed on-site well to abutting leaching <br /> facility, (lot 130 Bearberry Circle) , and a 12' local vari- <br /> ance from the proposed on-site leaching facility to abutting <br /> well , (lot 130 Bearberry Circle) . " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant the variances as stated by <br /> Mr. McQuaid, Mr. Doherty seconded. <br /> 31 SHORE DRIVE - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I am unsure of the <br /> existing leaching facility components. " <br /> Mr. Doherty directed the agent to forward a letter to <br /> the owner stating engineered plans will be required. <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "The only expansion in living <br /> space the owner is proposing is to add approximately 2 1/2' <br /> in width to each of two small bedrooms however, this is con- <br /> sidered an increase ,in living space. " <br />