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TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> April 28 , 1994 <br /> Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Members present: John T. Doherty and Steven R. Ball <br /> THE TAPE IS NOT PART OF THE MEETING IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br /> TRANSCRIPTION ONLY. <br /> Mr. John T. Doherty, Chairman <br /> 1 . ) Warrants signed. <br /> 2, ) Mr. Ball motioned to accept the minutes of April 21 , <br /> 1994, Mr. Doherty seconded. <br /> 3. ) Letter of complaint - Stratford Ponds - Mr. McQuaid <br /> relayed, "I did contact Mr. Grassetti today as we have other <br /> complaints on Stratford Ponds. " "Mr. Grassetti did request <br /> to be placed on the Board's .agenda next week." "He is re- <br /> questing the Board continue this matter until that time. " <br /> Board members agreed to the request. <br /> 4. ) Perc extension request --_ 8 Pierre Vernier R ad - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "The lot has been perked three times. " "The <br /> abutting two lots have been perked twice and built upon. " "I <br /> would recommend the Board grant a six month extension from <br /> the date of this letter. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a six month pert extension <br /> with a new expiration date of October 24, 1994, Mr. Doherty <br /> seconded. <br /> 5. ) Variance re guest - 7 Chickadee Road and 138 Nini ret <br /> Avenue <br /> 7 CHICKADEE ROAD - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This item was on <br /> last week's agenda. " "Apparently the Board overlooked that <br /> groundwater calculations were adjusted to 2. 2' from where it <br /> was observed up to the highest possible groundwater eleva- <br /> tion. " "There is 4.4' of naturally occurring permeable soil <br /> between the bottom of the leaching facility and groundwater. " <br /> "The owner is requesting a 50' local variance from abutting <br /> well , ( lot 181 Chickadee Road) to the proposed on-site leach- <br /> ing facility. " "This lot will be serviced by town water. " <br />