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MINUTES April 28, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 50' local variance from <br /> abutting well , (lot 181 Chickadee Road) to the proposed <br /> on-site leaching facility with the stipulation the owner tie <br /> in to public water prior to issuance of the certificate of <br /> occupancy, Mr. Doherty seconded. <br /> 138 NINIGRET AVENUE - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. Griffin owns <br /> the abutting lots, his mother owns this particular lot of <br /> which all will be tied in to public water. " "One of the <br /> abutting lots has a shed/cottage structure which Mr. Griffin <br /> would like to house his mother in for six months while re- <br /> pairs are being made to her house. " "Mr. Rich from the Water <br /> District has made an exception and is allowing the shed to be <br /> supplied by town water from the meter on the house owned by <br /> Ms. Griffin. " "I would recommend approval if Mr. Griffin <br /> submits a letter stating the shed will be demolished within <br /> six months from the date of the building permit. " "The owner <br /> is requesting a 50' local variance from abutting well , (#139 <br /> Ninigret Ave. ) , to the proposed septic upgrade and permission <br /> for water to service the shed/cottage located on #142 <br /> Ninigret Avenue. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 50' local variance from the <br /> well servicing #139 Ninigret Avenue to the on-site leaching <br /> facility upgrade and permission to tie-in the shed/cottage <br /> structure to public water for a period of six months from the <br /> date of the building permit with the stipulation Mr. Griffin <br /> submit a letter stating the shed/cottage structure will only <br /> be occupied by Ms. Griffin for a period of six months from <br /> the date of the building permit and a letter from the Water <br /> District which states the house on #142 Ninigret Avenue is <br /> connected to town water, Mr. Doherty seconded. <br /> i <br /> 6 . ) D.E.P. Bioclere approval . 181 Timberlane Drive w Ac- <br /> knowledged. <br /> *****OLD BUSINESS***** <br /> Small scale packaged food retail license - Mr. Ball relayed, <br /> "I did research this matter and found surrounding towns do <br /> charge a fee for packaged foods sold from gas stations, etc. " <br /> Mr. Evans stated he would prepare a proposal . <br /> F.Y. I . <br /> A. WATER DISTRICT OPEN HOUSE, MAY 7, 1994 - Acknowledged. <br /> B. WBNERR, MAY 16 , 1994 - Acknowledged. <br /> C. MEMORIAL DAY COOKOUT - Acknowledged. <br />