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MINUTES April 28 , 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> Letter to owner of abandoned Trailer - Red Brook Road <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "I have prepared a letter to the <br /> owner informing them they have 30 days in which to cleanup <br /> and properly dispose of trash and other materials. " <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 43 Sassacus Road <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The owner is requesting the <br /> Board's consideration in extending the septic permit which <br /> was issued August 18, 1992. " "I would recommend approval <br /> with the stipulation and agent witness soil conditions upon <br /> the installation of the pit and the owner sign the affidavit <br /> which requires public water connection once available. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a six month septic permit ex- <br /> tension with a new expiration date of October 28 , 1994 con- <br /> tingent upon an agent of this Board witnessing soil condi- <br /> tions during installation of the pit and the owner sign the <br /> affidavit which requires public water connection once avail- <br /> able, Mr. Doherty seconded. <br /> *****OLD BUSINESS***** <br /> Richard Halpern Tritown Circle <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "April 25th was the final day in which <br /> Mr. Halpern was ordered to comply with our letter. " "I did <br /> request Mr. Evans inspect the site and determine whether Mr. <br /> Halpern has complied with the order." <br /> Mr. Evans stated, "I inspected the site and found some <br /> cleanup has taken place however areas at the Riverbend and <br /> the lot on Tritown Circle still require additional cleanup. " <br /> "The lots on Seconsett Island were found to be in order. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid recommended the Board forward a letter to <br /> Mr. Halpern allotting five working days to comply with Mr. <br /> Evans list of areas requiring additional cleanup. "Failure <br /> to comply within five working days of receipt of the letter <br /> will immediately result in the issuance of a citation. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to forward a letter to Mr. Halpern al- <br /> lotting five working days in which to comply with a list, <br /> prepared by Mr. Evans, of the areas which require additional <br /> cleanup, failure to comply within five working days of <br /> receipt of the letter will result in the issuance of a cita- <br /> tion, Mr. Doherty seconded. <br />